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Ada's latest news

A sweet vote

Customers of Liberty National Bank vote for their favorite sweet treat prior to Valentines Day on Friday. Pat Crist, customer service rep, offers mini cupcakes to Julie Hurting, ONU associate vice president.

International Play Festival on Freed Center stage this weekend

Aneera Ansari, the costume shop manager and resident designer at Ohio Northern University, prepares for the upcoming International Play Festival.

A new resident of Ada, Aneera says the play featured this year takes place in Cuba in 2008.

She and her students are making costumes for thespians that reflect current Cuban attire and some costumes to represent a throwback time of an earlier day in Cuba.

The play has been translated into English. It is directed by a man from Mexico City.

Scott Allison gives Kiwanis a First United Methodist Church preview

Ada Kiwanis had a preview of the Ada First United Methodist Church on Feb. 10. Scott Allison made the presentation.

The original church bell is now on display in the Fellowship Hall.  Students from Ohio Northern sponsored the refinishing of the bell.  The refinishing work was done by Verdin Company in Cincinnati.

The fellowship hall will hold about 240 people. There are special rooms for children and teens. The sanctuary can handle up to about 280 people.

Emergency coordinator Kenton Amateur Radio Club speaker

Stan Broadway is the 6 p.m., Monday, Feb. 23, speaker at the Kenton Amateur Radio Club, according to Jon Umphress of Ada.

The meeting is at Henry’s Restaurant, Kenton. Broadway, (Amateur Radio Call-Sign N8BHL), is Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC), for Ohio the Ohio Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES).

He will join us to explain the workings of the amateur radio ARES and how the club can possibly become involved.

Meetings are held regularly on the final Monday of each month and are open to the public.

Fertilizer applicator certification training at ONU March 5

Agricultural fertilizer applicator certification is now required for farmers who apply fertilizer to more than 50 acres of agricultural production grown primarily for sale. This requirement was signed into law in June 2014, and also requires certification for commercial agricultural applicators. Farmers who have their fertilizer applied by co-ops or custom applicators are not required to be certified.

Pork Producers scholarships and queen applications available

The Hardin County Pork Producers are offering six-$500 scholarships to qualified students.  Scholarships will be awarded to one student from each of the six county schools. 

For an application, please contact the FFA Advisor or high school guidance counselor at any of the county schools.  You can also download an application from or pick one up at the OSU Extension Office located at 1021 West Lima Street, Suite 103 in Kenton.  Completed applications are to be mailed to Douglas Heilman 10333 County Road 265 Kenton, Ohio 43326.  The deadline for returning the completed scholarship application is March 1, 2015.
