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Iconoclast View

March 1 Bluffton Icon headlines

The following articles appeared on on Saturday, March 1, 2025.

Feb. 28 Lausanne Ave. fire impacts two Bluffton houses

Scouting for Food collection will be March 8

Consumer Advocate Newsletter recommendation

Allen County Board of DD kicks off Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

January 2025 Bluffton Police Department calls for service

Bluffton dog park plans finalized

February 28 Bluffton Icon headlines

Bluffton Icon news on Friday, February 28, 2025

Apollo emphasizes careers and connections

By Paula Pyzik Scott

My path regularly crosses with that of Apollo Career Center Superintendent Keith Horner when we attend Ada and Bluffton school board meetings. His invitation to visit the facility was a welcome opportunity to see what draws students from 11 different districts who chose an alternative to traditional high school for their junior and senior years.

As a nod to the Icon reader base, I was given the opportunity to meet Lauren Bowers, a welding student from Bluffton, and Ashley Hevlin, a sports exercise science (SES) student from Ada.

Coming soon from a football factory near you

By Paula Pyzik Scott

With the news that the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Chiefs will face off in Super Bowl LIX on February 9 in New Orleans, the sizzle of Super Bowl fever is spreading.

Two emails in the Icon inbox show how far interest in the Wilson football factory reaches: the story of the Ada, Ohio and its skilled workers is in Bloomberg news and National Geographic.

Civic organizations listed on Icon Classifieds page

The Icon maintains a listing of Civic, Community and Worship organizations on the Classifieds page. New this week, we have expanded the Civic listings to include the following entities. Have updates? Email [email protected].

Meets on 3rd Wednesday of designated months at noon; open to the public. President Jamie Hall, [email protected] 419-634-4045 ext.210

725 West North Avenue Ada, OH 45810 PHONE 419-634-6421

Question for the Icon: Is there a fee for this?

By Paula Pyzik Scott
Ada Icon owner-editor

Here’s a head-scratcher: do Icon readers know the difference between news and advertising? I’ve found myself explaining what’s news and what’s advertising–at least on the pages of the Bluffton Icon and the Ada Icon–several times recently.

While both are posted at the discretion of the publisher, news is provided for the benefit of readers with no financial considerations. The Icon also has a distinctly local focus. For example, you won’t find coverage of the Olympics unless the story has local ties.
