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Dementia and dignity

Bill Herr taught high school mathematics and science for 32 years. After retiring from teaching, he began a nursing home ministry, first as a volunteer and then as a nursing home chaplain. He has written columns for the Icon on Bluffton sports history and on being a chaplain.

Believe in miracles, accept gratitude as a lifestyle

By Robert McCool

I am not Lazarus, but I am back.

For a few years I've had the rare pleasure and honor to review books and post a few articles with the Icon. This isn't a book review yet, but I have a new capacity in life to share with book lovers and those concerned about my health.


Let's start back in 2022 when I had a laminectomy, or removal of some vertebra spurs on my lower right back so nerves weren't being pinched and painful. After the procedure I was given an opioid pain killer that was clearly listed on my chart as TOXIC and allergic. I suffered a massive heart attack. But I was blessed that day because the best Cardiologist in Lima was on call, and he brought me back to life, placed two life-saving stents in my heart, and allowed me to live again.


When we remember despite dementia

Columnist Bill Herr taught high school mathematics and science for 32 years before serving as a volunteer and then as a staff chaplain at two nursing homes.  

By Bill Herr

When a person develops dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), some of the wiring in the brain gets out of alignment.  The result is difficulty verbalizing, having memory issues and possibly posing behavioral changes.  It is believed that everything we ever learned or experienced in our lives is recorded somewhere in our brain.  

Dementia and the art of little fibs

Columnist Bill Herr taught high school mathematics and science for 32 years before serving as a volunteer and then as a staff chaplain at two nursing homes.  

By Bill Herr

My aunt lived in a nursing home in a nearby city.  I have great memories of my aunt and uncle.  At family gatherings in their home, the younger ones played games and the older ones played cards.  My aunt had been active in social organizations. My uncle had a good job and always had a cigar in his mouth when they played cards. He had passed years before when I went to visit my aunt a nursing home.  

When I visit someone I always bring up past events in that person’s life in the conversation.  When I mentioned my uncle’s name, my aunt, who now had dementia, asked me where he was. I said, “He is in heaven, you remember he died a few years back.”  That was the wrong thing for me to say. My aunt cried and said, “Why didn’t someone tell me?”  She was angry. 


Veterans' stories

Columnist Bill Herr taught high school mathematics and science for 32 years before serving as a volunteer and then as a staff chaplain at two nursing homes.  

By Bill Herr

There was one group of residents in the nursing home that had something in common–the veterans. Each had a story to tell. Here are three stories they told me.    

"You know me!"

Columnist Bill Herr taught high school mathematics and science for 32 years before serving as a volunteer and then as a staff chaplain at two nursing homes.

By Bill Herr

I always said there are four things that determine who we are and who we are becoming. They are the people we’ve known and loved, the experiences we have had, the suffering we have known, and the spiritual growth that is taking place in us. As chaplain I was always responsible for the last one, helping with worship services, leading Bible studies and visiting with residents and praying for them. 
