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Dunkirk car show-community festival June 20

This year's Dunkirk Car Show and Community Festival is Saturday, June 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Dunkirk Park.

The festival includes music, food, fun and games. Classic cars and crafters will have displays. Chicken dinners will be available.

The festival is open to vendors, crafters and car show registrants. Registration for cars is $10 at the park. The first 50 registered get a dash plaque. Trophies will be awarded. For questions call Julia Caldwell 419-296-7744 or 567-674-0458

Roger Harpster 1922-2015

Roger E. Harpster, 92, died on Wednesday, May 13, 2015, at 6:10  p.m. at St. Rita’s Medical Center, Lima.

He was born on June 5, 1922, in Roundhead Township, Hardin County, Ohio to Anthony and Mae (Thomas) Harpster and they preceded him in death. On April 4, 1950, he married Lucille Fry and she died on April 8, 2012.

He retired from Ford Motor Company on June 5, 1984, after working 26 years as a sub-assemblyman. He was a graduate of Roundhead High School in 1940. He was a member of the Lawrence Valley Grange.

Ultimate Frisbee tournament registrations underway

Team sign-ups are underway at Bluffton Family Recreation for an Ultimate Frisbee Tournament held Saturday, May 30, at BFR, according to Joseph Beagle, director.

Here's the details:
• Games played at BFR, 215 Snider Road, Bluffton
• Seven players minimum per team
• Double-loss elimination
• Co-ed teams
• Play starts at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 30
• Cost: $100 per team

Send registration to, or call 419-358-4150:
BFR Frisbee Tournament
215 Snider Road
Bluffton, OH 45817

Or use printer-friendly registration form (attachment at bottom of story)

Did you graduate from Ada High School? If so, there's an alumni banquet on your calendar

The 2015 Ada High School alumni banquet will be held on Saturday, May 30, in the school cafeteria. The schedule of events will be as follows:

4:00 Registration and Reception
5:30 Dinner as catered by Henry’s Restaurant of Kenton
6:30 Alumni Program

During the program, Dr. Joe Baughman, AHS Class of 1950, will be induced into the Hall of Honors.

The Alumni Scholarship Award will also be awarded to Alexis Amburgey, a 2015 graduating Ada Senior.

This year’s honored classes are:  1935, 1940, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015.

Hanging gardens of Ada

The four hanging baskets installed near the Depot a year ago proved popular with residents and visitors, so an additional eight more baskets will grace Main Street this year thanks to some donations to the project. Four colorful baskets with cascading annuals will be put up at Main and Buckeye and four at Main and Lincoln. Individuals, businesses, and organizations wanting to donate to the basket project to further beautiful Ada may call the village office at 419-634-4045 for details. (Monty Siekerman)

Pool passes – Get yours for the reduced price for a limited time!

Believe it or not, summer is right around the corner and after the warm teaser weather we
have recently enjoyed, who isn’t ready for more sun and heat?

Be prepared for those hot days and opening day on May 23 – buy your season for the Ada Pool today.

Beat the opening day rush to purchase your pass. Passes will be on sale at the pool on
Tuesday, May 19, from 4 – 6 p.m., and Wednesday, May 20, from 4 – 6 p.m.

Passes for Ada residents/taxpayers are $30 per person through June 1. After June 1,
the cost is $40 per person.
