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Chamber offers Lunch & Learn "POS to positive"

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce has announced its first lunch and learn series, from "P.O.S. to Positive" on Wednesday, March 19 at 11:30 a.m. at Buckeye East Coffee Shop.

The invitation: "Learn how to best optimize your business operations with the right Point of Sale (P.O.S.) system. Whether you're a small business owner or looking to upgrade your current system, this session will provide valuable insights on streamlining transactions, improving customer experience, and boosting efficiency.

"Enjoy lunch from Buckeye East while networking with fellow Chamber members and industry experts."

The cost for chamber members is $10, for non-members, $15. Please contact 567-204-7118 or [email protected] to register.


February 2025 land transfers in the Ada Schools district

By Liz Gordon-Hancock

A single land transfer below took place in the Ada Exempted Village School District in February 2025 as reported on the website of the Hardin County, Ohio auditor Michael T. Bacon  and Hancock County, Ohio auditor Charity Rauschenberg.



Cost of Village storage building use is tied to electricity

By Paula Pyzik Scott

A recent Council item (page 14 of February 18 packet) creating an agreement for use of a storage building by Keith's Hardware had me scratching my head. Was there to be no rent charged for the building?

An email exchange with Village Administrator Jamie Hall has provided further explanation for the arrangement. As has been done with past tenants including the previous owner of the hardware store, Keith's Hardware will pay for electricity used in the Public Works building which includes lights, use of maintenance shop equipment (welder, drills, grinders, etc) along with trickle charge equipment for trucks and door openers. 

The December 2024 electricity bill was $374.50 and the size of the building used by Keith's Hardware is 80' x 60' (4,800 square feet).

Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance presents five annual awards

ADA __ The Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance (HCCBA) held their 18th Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet on Thursday, February 20 at the McIntosh Ballroom at Ohio Northern University.

Five annual awards were presented for 2024.

  • Nonprofit of the Year was presented to Safe Haven of Hardin County, represented by Deb Oestreich.
  • Community Service of the Year was presented to John Siemon.
  • Citizen of the Year was presented to Rodney Hensel.
  • Small Business of the Year was presented to The Sweet Note Cafe, represented by Holly Layman Cannode.
  • Business of the Year was presented to Newland-Heydinger Insurance, represented by Chad and Tasha Heydinger.

During the annual meeting, Stephanie Temple of Tons of Fun Travel recognized retiring member of the Board of Directors: Fred Rush of the Hardin County Commissioners.

Farmers & Merchants Picnic looking for vendors

The 112th Annual Farmers and Merchants Picnic is now accepting vendor applications.

The event will be held on August 9. Organizers shared the following on Facebook: "We are running a special this year if signed up and paid before May 1. So if you are interested, text Jeni at 419-230-4978, Kaylee at 419-230-3065 or Heather at 419-204-3668."

Follow the event at

Land transfers in the Ada school district for January 2025

By Liz Gordon-Hancock

The following seven land transfers took place in the Ada Exempted Village School District in January 2025 as reported on the website of the Hardin County, Ohio auditor Michael T. Bacon and Hancock County, Ohio auditor Charity Rauschenberg.

