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Public Meetings

School board in special meeting Tuesday

Will conduct hearing under the disciplinary procedure for an employee

The Ada school board will hold a special meeting at 5 p.m., Tuesday, April 20, for the purpose of conducting a hearing under the disciplinary procedure for an employee.

It is anticipated that the board will hold the meeting in executive session. The meeting will take place in the board office.

Village looking at May 29 pool opening date

On Tuesday's Ada council agenda

Jami Hall, Ada village administrator, will share a proposed 2021 swimming pool operations sheet with Ada council members on Tuesday.

He will ask council for a motion to approve the sheet. If approved, the pool will open Saturday, May 29, and will continue operating until the final day of Saturday, Aug. 14.

“The planned operations for the 2021 pool season reflect normal past years of operation before the 2020 season, in which covid restricted many of the pool activities,” Hall wrote in a memo in council’s packet.

His memo continued: “Pool management will follow and enforce all covid related guidelines that are current during the pool season.

School board continues superintendent-treasurer evaluations tonight

Ada school board has scheduled a special meeting to complete its annual evaluations of its superintendent and treasurer.

The meeting wlll be in executive session and no formal action is anticipated, according to Matt Gossman, board president.

The meeting is at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 31. The board previously met on March 25 as part of the evaluation process.

School board holds annual evaluation of superintendent and treasurer

Special meeting called March 25

Ada school board has scheduled a special meeting for its annual evaluations of its superintendent and treasurer.

The meeting wlll be in executive session and no formal action is anticipated. The meeting is at 5 p.m., Thursday, March 25.

School board meeting and planning session Thursday

Ada school board will meet at 5 p.m., Thursday, March 18. This is the regular monthly meeting in addition to a planning session on the agenda.

Main-Lima intersection safety on Tuesday's council agenda

Ada income tax revenue down as a result of covid-19

Ada council will meet on Tuesday with several local issues on the agenda.
Click here for council’s agenda.

Council is expected to enter executive session to discuss negotiations with the sergeants bargaining unit.

A second issue includes a letter to council from Andrea Hall, 622 Clint Drive, concerning the intersection of Main Street and Lima Avenue.
