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Public Meetings

Summary of March 1 council meeting, Grandview Blvd. public meeting

Grandview curbs, water and sewer, standing water issues

On March 1 the Ada Village council held a regular meeting and a Streets Committee meeting to discuss improvements to Grandview Boulevard.


Council approved payment of bills, payroll and updating persons authorized to use village credit cards.

Personnel committee member Bob Simmons recommended and council approved the hiring of Michelle Hall for a clerk position. Eighteen applications were received and three individuals were interviewed.

Interviews for pool cashiers and lifeguards are being scheduled. The village received 40 applications for cashier and 22 for lifeguard; 20 cashiers and 20 lifeguards will be hired.

Kindergarten registration at Ada Schools

Kindergarten registration for the Ada Schools 2022-2023 school year will begin on Monday, March 7 and continue through Friday, March 18. 

Your child will need to be age 5 prior to August 1, 2022. To register your child, go to and click on the Final Forms link. 

You will need to upload the following documents to complete your child's registration.

Ada Council meets March 1

March and April meeting calendar

The Village of Ada council will hold a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1 at the Ada Municipal Building, 115 West Buckeye Ave. Individuals can attend virually at .

The agenda includes standard items for financial approval and department reports and just one resolution to designate individuals who can conduct banking on behalf of the village. A full packet is attached including the minutes of February 15.

The following calendar items are also listed:

March 15, Regular Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. Municipal Building

Board of Education Meeting on February 17

Ada Exempted Village Schools Board of Education will hold its February meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, February 17, 2022. 

Meetings are held in the board room at 725 West North Avenue. 

Board Members are Dr. Amy Mullins, President, Matt Gossman, Vice President , Ronald Fleming. Steve Ramey andTed Griffith.

Masking becomes optional on Ada School buses

The Ada Schools issued the following announcement, regarding masking on Ada school buses, on Feb. 16, 2022:

Dear Bulldog Community,

As we continue to monitor our district COVID Safety Plan, we are encouraged to report that we have seen a significant decrease in positive cases in Hardin County and within Ada Schools during the month of February.  As a result, we have adjusted our safety plan and updated the plan on our school website.  The plan has been revised to allow for “optional masking” on the school buses beginning Feb. 22, 2022.  

Apollo hosts All Area Boards Meeting

Apollo Career Center will kick off Career Tech Education Month® with the annual All Area Boards Meeting held Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 6 p.m. in the Apollo Commons. Apollo Superintendent Keith Horner will be providing opening remarks beginning at 6:45.

Roger Mathews, a 1998 graduate of Allen East and Apollo's Auto Mechanics program, will be inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame. Sprint Electric and Challenge Electric will be honored as Co-Employers of the Year.
