Ada congregations are collecting school supplies for students in the school district so that all students can start school with everything needed. Ada Public Library is one of eight locations participating. Read the full story.
Ada teenager Lily Baumgartner is set to compete at the national level for USA Swimming.
Lily has qualified for Team Ohio in the 100 butterfly event after swimming a time of 1:07.18 this past weekend in the Ohio Swimming Long Course Championships at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.
Lily will now compete for the State of Ohio at the USA Central Zone Championships in Elkhart, Indiana August 6-8, 2021. This is the highest level of competition for USA Swimming competitors age 14-and-under.
In order to qualify for this level of competition, swimmers must meet or best a national AAA motivational time in each event.
Enjoy a breezy read with Abbi Waxman's new novel- The Bookish Life Of Nina Hill(ISBN 9780451491879)
Nina Hill lives her life on a strict schedule, allowing no deviations to alter her alone-time. And her greatest joy is working in a bookstore, where she is surrounded by trivia and literature, history and security. Her very most favorite occupation is reading, and playing with her team in a Trivia league. Speculating about men doesn't even come in as a distant thought. In fact, her cat comes in before considering men in her life.
Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) will host “Managing Menopause: Understanding the Different Stages of Menopause” virtual presentation, a part of the 2021 virtual “Live and Learn” Facebook Live series.
Dr. William Kose, the vice president of special projects, will host this event. Guests include Molly Senokozlieff, MD, a physician with the Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology, and Jodi Bollenbacher, PA-C, a physician assistant with Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology. The presentation will discuss the different stages of menopause and available treatments to relieve symptoms of menopause.
Resolutions regarding agreements between the Village of Ada and the Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Labor Council (FOP) and Ohio Patrolmen's Benevolent Association (OPBA) are part of the council agenda, scheduled for tonight at 6:30 p.m.
Additionally, a resolution approving the extension of the refuse contract with Rumpke of Ohio, Inc for an additional three-year term will be discussed.
Council will also make time available for its committee reports, fiscal officer's report, police chief's report, zoning inspector's report, village administrator's report, and legal counsel's report, among other topics.