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NWCA names Ohio Northern as Division III Men's Team Scholar Champs

Manheim, PA - The National Wrestling Coaches Association (NWCA) has announced the 2024 NCAA Division III Team Scholar All-America Awards. Ohio Northern University claimed the top spot with an impressive team GPA of 3.899, showcasing the program's commitment to academic and athletic excellence.

The top five programs in this year's rankings are:

Ohio Northern University – 3.899

Heidelberg University – 3.82

Augsburg University – 3.81

Washington and Lee University – 3.747

St. John Fisher University – 3.73

Gerber vs. ONU ends with pre-trial settlement

By Paula Pyzik Scott

A settlement was filed in the Hardin County Common Pleas Court on Friday, March 21 in a case between Scott Gerber, plaintiff, vs. Ohio Northern University, et al. Judge Jonathan P. Hein provided a report of pre-trial conference and Notice of Agreed Settlement.

Gerber was removed from his teaching position at the Ohio Northern University Claude W. Pettit College of Law in Spring 2023. A series of lawsuits have been filed by both Gerber and ONU in the intervening period.

The report says the Court heard a summary of the positions of each party with the plaintiff identifying “procedural defects” in Gerber’s removal and claiming “ breach-of-contract, retaliation, defamation, and false light.” Ohio Northern University asked the court to dismiss “claims based on public policy violations and emotional distress.”

3rd District Court of Appeals to hold court at Ohio Northern

The event is free and open to the public. Business attire is required and observers must be seated by 9:40 a.m. Court is in session at 10 a.m.

The Third District Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments at Ohio Northern University Pettit College of Law at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, April 1, 2025 in Tilton Hall, Room 129.

Two cases will be heard including one criminal case, State of Ohio, Plaintiff-Appellee v. Matthew Keith Risch, Defendant-Appellant and one civil case, Ohio Premier Properties, LLC, Plaintiff-Appellee v. Eddie’s Rentals, LLC, Defendant-Appellant.

Ada Schools accepting applications for open enrollment through May 9

The Ada Exempted Village School District has posted the following guidelines for inter-district open enrollment of students. See guidelines and application on the school website HERE.

The Ada Exempted Village Schools Board of Education shall permit the enrollment of students from other school districts in a school or program of this District, providing each enrollment is in accordance with laws and regulations of the State concerning Inter-District Open Enrollment, board policy, and the administrative guidelines established to implement the policy.

Open Enrollment Guidelines

1. Applications for inter-district transfer may be submitted to the Ada Superintendent’s Office from March 3, 2025, through May 9, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. Applications will be acted upon by 4:00 p.m. on May 23, 2025. Parents must indicate acceptance or transfer on or before 4:00 p.m. on July 1, 2025.

ONU alum Givins at the South Pole

PHOTO from Lauren Givins, BS ’21, say she is sometimes reminded of the ONU "Tundra" while she experiences the cold of the South Pole. Givins is on an extended assignment at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica. Learn more about her experiences HERE.

Recap of March 18 Ada Council meeting

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The March 18 meeting of the Village Of Ada Council took place without councilors Sean Beck and Sheila Coressel, but was not short of a quorum. Lively conversations took place on the topics of utility aggregation, steps taken when water shut and turn on are followed by an inside leak, proposed regulations for transient vendors including food trucks, and the creation of a list of Ada landlords.
