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Icon book review: The Plot

Review by Robert McCool

"The Plot" (ISBN 978-1250790767) is all about the extenuating circumstances of birth.

Jean Hanff Korelitz's ("The Devil and Webster") new novel is a book within a book. It is all about how mothers and daughters come to reckon with each other when the girl grows up and wants to leave the parent's home. It is all about the circumstances around babies not wished to be born. It's a scathing examination of a mother's, and daughter's, needs in life and how to get them.

And that is the substantial plot from a purloined idea.

Somewhere over the rainbow

After a summer rain, a full rainbow was on display last evening in the area.

Community Improvement Corp. meets July 21

Meeting takes place at the Ada Historical Depot

Ada’s Community Improvement Corp. (CIC) will hold an in-person meeting at noon, Wednesday, July 21, according to Eileen Peterman, secretary. The meeting takes place at the Ada Historical Depot.

The agenda includes the treasurer's report and committee reports. Committees designated within the CIC include industrial, commercial, water resource plan, community, and executive board.

Remaining meetings for 2021 are scheduled for October 20 and December 15.

During the April 21 meeting, 2021 officers were elected as follows:

  • Jamie Hall, president
  • Brandt Miller, vice president
  • Eileen Peterman, treasurer and secretary

Local Vintage Chevrolet club celebrates one year

58th Central VCCA Meet held in Lima July 30-31

By Dan Groman
The Vintage Chevrolet Club of America's Western Buckeye Region (WBR) just celebrated one year since its charter. We now have 34 members and are rapidly growing.

Liberty Village Preschool to hold a dinner fundraiser for new playground

Liberty Village Preschool (preschool at Ada Exempted Village schools) is raising money to install a new playground area. Funds have been raised to install a fence and additional money is needed to purchase a storage shed and toys for the preschool students. All profit from this event will be donated to Liberty Village Preschool.

Dinners will be $10 and include a pulled pork sandwich, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, and a cookie. Midwest BBQ, Catering & More, LLC will be providing dinners. The meals can be picked up from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Ada Park on Saturday, August 7th.

Janet Staniecki 1950 - 2021

Jan Staniecki, age 70, passed away on Sunday, July 11, 2021 at 12:25pm surrounded by her family at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Center.

She was born on November 26, 1950 to the late Gene and Jane (Blosser) Hoffman. On July 23, 1988, Jan married Zenovy Staniecki and he survives in Sandusky, Ohio. Jan was preceded in death by two brothers: Paul Basinger and Dal Hoffman and a brother-in-law, Tom Wade.
