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Ada's latest news

Ada's Victorian stick station

Ada's historic train station was built using Victorian stick architecture (also known as Stick-Eastlake architecture). The station was built in 1887 by the Pennsylvania Railroad.


Although midwives have been around for hundreds of years, the term midwife is one that not many are able to clearly define. There is often confusion surrounding the many types of midwives and the span of roles a midwife might play. Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) are highly trained providers who first were educated and trained as registered nurses, then chose to attend accredited universities, followed by passing a midwifery board-certified examination. CNMs also must maintain their licensures every five years by completing a number of continuing education requirements. In Ohio, CNMs work in collaboration with physicians and deliver babies in hospitals and birth centers.

MHCO announces agreement with Brethren Retirement Community

In December 2020, the Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio Board of Directors issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to explore affiliation with other organizations in order to assure the secure and vibrant future of MHCO. We are pleased to announce that this week, the Board accepted a proposal and approved a contract for a full Management Agreement with Brethren Retirement Communities in Greenville, Ohio. This management agreement continues a business relationship that began in 2019 with an executive consulting partnership.

Recovery for Our Heroes

By Karen Kier

Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

ONU junior Andrea Hoffman to serve on new Ohio Rare Disease Advisory Council

Ohio Northern University junior Andrea Hoffman has been appointed by Gov. Mike DeWine '72 to serve a two-year term on the Ohio Rare Disease Advisory Council.

School board special meeting on Thursday

The Ada school board will hold a special meeting at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, July 29, in the board room.

The purpose of the meeting is:
