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It’s National Crime Victims’ Rights Week

Area Agency on Aging 3 raising awareness

Area Agency on Aging 3, in commemoration of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW), April 7–13, is hoping to raise awareness about crime victims’ issues and rights and introduce the community to the important resources and services available. According to the most recent Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey, U.S. residents age 12 or older experienced 3.1 million violent victimizations and U.S. households experienced an estimated 13.3 million property crimes in 2017.

Two straight days with highs in the 70s

Two straight days with highs in the 70s and lows in the 40s. April is here. Here’s the recent seven-day weather summary from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Ada chamber keeps growing - membership at 78

Moving monthly breakfast meetings to the library; next meeting is April 17

Several Ada Area Chamber of Commerce-related events are on the community calendar this month, according to Heather Cox, chamber board president.

These were announced at the April 3 chamber board meeting.

The chamber’s monthly breakfast meetings have out-grown their Vancrest meeting room. Meeting are now at the Ada Public Library. The next meeting is at 8 a.m., Wednesday, April 17. Breakfast will be provided. The meeting is open to anyone interested in joining the chamber.

Deb Curlis, chamber director, announced that the chamber now has 78 members and it continues to gain members.

Two senior citizen meeting set for April

The Ada Senior Citizens will meet on Wednesday, April 10, at 1:45 p.m. at Vancrest of Ada to play euchre and other card and board games with the residents.

The group will meet again on Wednesday, April 24, at 12:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Community Health Professionals. President Cloe Cole will preside over the business meeting, followed by euchre and other board games.

Citizens age 55 and over who reside in the Ada area are invited to come and join the group for a $10 annual membership and participate in the usual twice-monthly meetings and activities.

New name for senior dining program

Area Agency on Aging 3 announcement

The Area Agency on Aging 3 announces that the Senior Dining Program has changed its name to DISH. DISH stands for Dining to Improve Socialization and Health, what the Senior Dining Program always tried to promote. 

“We are trying to really stress the need for older adults to get and socialize with others and we believe that they can accomplish that through the DISH program. We also know that the program helps older adults eat healthier and more regularly then they would normally do,” Program Director Emily Taylor said. 

How Hardin farm crop yields compare with the region

Here's the 2018 report for corn, soybeans and wheat

As Hardin County farmers get ready to plant this year’s corn and soybeans, crop yields from the 2018 growing season have been released from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service.  

Although these crop production numbers are based on estimates, they are used for crop insurance and government reporting purposes.
