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April 4 rally for release of full Mueller Report

The public is invited to a rally to urge release of the full report of the Mueller investigation into the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

The rally will be at the gazebo in the Lima Town Square at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 4.  It is organized by local group Allen and Hardin for Election Action & Democracy (AHEAD) and is part of a National Day of Action in coalition with MoveOn, Public Citizen, and People for the American Way.

Don't leave town in April or May

There's a lot going on in Ada this spring

April and May are busy Ada months.

First there’s testing at Ada schools, a first grade musical and a high school  musical. Ohio Northern University hosts a fitness competition, a 3K run/walk and several school-year end concerts.

There’s also the end of the school year with baccalaureate, commencements and alumni programs. Meanwhile at the public library there are board game days, book discussion groups and a teen pizza waffle day.

And, lots more.

March weather: Lion, lamb, lion

2.1 inches of snow fell on March 30

March came in like a  lion, pretended to be a lamb in mid-month, and escaped like a lion, which amounted to 2.1 inches of snow on March 30.

Here are some of the month’s weather stats from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer:

  • Maximum temperature 67 on March 14
  • Minimum temperature 6 on March 4 and 5
  • Average March temperature 34.8
  • Normal average March temperature 37.5
  • March 2019 precipitation 3.55 inches, 2.8 inches of snow
  • Normal March precipitation 2.58 inches

The daily weather report follows:

We think you missed our April Fool story

(Hint: it was about a surcharge on vanity plates)

The Icon gets but one chance a year to fool viewers.

That chance was yesterday, on April 1. Sometimes we win and other times, it's rather ho-hum.

Judging by the responses from this year's story, it was, well, not even ho-hum. It was a dud.

Spoiler alert: There is no truth to the fact that a voter initiative may go on the ballot to create a surcharge on all types of Ohio vanity license plates.

Just for kicks, try reading the entire story.  CLICK HERE TO READ IT.

Ada Schools enact precautionary lock-down today

Supeerintendent: Ada Schools became aware of a police incident that may have resulted in a suspect having been in the Ada area

Ada Schools enact a precautionary lock-down today, according to Meri Skilliter, superintendent. The school's announcement follows:

Ada Schools became aware of a police incident that may have resulted in a suspect having been in the Ada area. 

As a precaution, school officials in consultation with law enforcement decided to enact an “external threat lock-down.” 

Recesses were moved to indoors and any class changes that occurred between buildings were supervised by the district’s School Resource Officer. 

Vanity plate, specialty plateholders might pay additional surcharge

Canvassers will knock on Ada doors this week asking for signatures to place issue of November ballot

Canvassers will knock on Ada voter doors this week asking for signatures to place a voter-initiative on the November ballot.

The effort intends to replenish the Ohio Local Government Fund. If enough signatures are gathered and voters agree, the initiative places a surcharge on all Ohio vehicle owners who have vanity license plates, specialty plates, historical vehicle plates and motorcycle plates.

Although not yet confirmed, surcharge discussions range anywhere from $25 to $75 per plate, depending on the make, model and year of the vehicle, retroactive to 2013.
