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Ada Boyz Holdings intends to purchase village industrial park land

Purpose to building distillery, bar, restaurant and greenhouse

Two 1992 Ada High School classmates, Troy Erickson and Billy Watterson, using the name Ada Boyz Holdings, LLC, intend to develop a distillery with a bar and restaurant and a greenhouse for growing hemp on a site in the Ada industrial park, bordering North Avenue.

The intended land purchase required action in two special Ada meetings. First, Ada council, passed an ordinance on Oct. 17, transferring the property to the Ada Community Improvement Corp. (CIC). Next, CIC on Oct. 23 passed a motion entering a real estate agreement with Ada Boyz Holdings, LLC.

'Tis the season for disguises

Here's the where, when and what of Ada's Halloweening


Just a reminder to Ada resident to get candy supplies in order. And, to those on the receiving end, here’s all the opportunities this month for Halloweening.

Monday – Oct. 28
Kiwanis Halloween parade. Registration takes place in the parking lot behind the municipal building on Buckeye Street at 5:30 p.m. The parade takes off at 6 p.m. and heads to the railroad depot.

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce will provide cookies and cider at the depot. Prizes will be presented in several categories that follow:

Costume categories follow:
• Prettiest
• Scariest
• Most original

Liberty Township gets 3.30 inches of rainfall in September

By Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Educator
During the month of September, Hardin County received an average of 2.82 inches of rain, according to volunteer rainfall reporters from the OSU Extension office. 

Phil Epley recorded 3.30 inches for Liberty Township, totaling 20.1 inches for the growing season from April 15. The township totals are listed below this story.

The most rain for this month, 4.30 inches, fell in Jackson Township, as measured by Rick Weber. 

The least rain reported during the month, 1.74 inches, was reported in Buck Township by Heritage Cooperative, followed closely by 1.80 inches in Hale Township by Travis Ramsey. 

If an Ada school student in your house is dressing in unusual ways this week

There's a reason - it's Red Ribbon Week

If an Ada school student in your household is dressing in unusual ways this week, there’s a reason.

It’s Red Ribbon Week, from now through Friday.

This purpose of the week is to bring awareness to the topics of drugs, alcohol and bullying. Each day is a different dress up theme.

For example, Tuesday’s theme was My Dreams, My Future, My Choice, Drug and Bully Free! – Students were encouraged to wear a college shirt, career clothing or uniform.

Wednesday: We have Better Things to do than Drugs or Bullying! –
   Wear a favorite sport, activity or hobby shirt.

AHS office collection point for Blue Star Mothers donations

A Blue Star Mothers of America box is in the Ada High School office for collections to be sent to  service men and women serving overseas. 

A shopping list is also provided in the office. Cash donations will also be accepted for mailing of the packages.

Last year the Blue Star Mothers were overwhelmed by the response from Ada schools.

The deadline to make a donation is Friday, Nov. 8. Persons with questions may ask at the high school office.

Blue Star Mothers of America provides support for mothers who have sons or daughters in active service in the U.S. Armed Forces. 



The Icon found this plate in the recent Ada High School homecoming parade. The car was carrying members of the court. It's on – of course – a black Chevrolet.
