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There's an Ohio State band alum in Ada. The Icon saw this plate in an ONU parking lot on a white Toyota.

4.9 inches of snow on Nov. 11

Here's the daily weather summary for November from Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Snowfall on Nov. 11 reached 4.9 inches. Temperatures in the first 11 days of the month ranged from a high of 53 degrees on Nov. 6, to a low of 17 two days later.

Nov. 12 - Ada schools cancelled

At 7:41 a.m. Ada schools announced that school is cancelled for Tuesday, Nov. 12. Last night the school went on a 2-hour delay. The heavy and wet early winter snowfall is the cause.

Beatitudes offers holiday raffle items

Tickets now on sale, raffle drawing Nov. 22

It’s holiday shopping time at Beatitudes (formerly ReStore), 210 N. Main St., Ada.

Starting today and continuing through Friday, Nov. 22, shoppers have several options at the downtown non-profit store.

The shop will offer many decorative holiday items plus a raffle for 10 significant prizes is underway. The fund-raiser raffle items include:

Due to inclement weather

This morning's Veterans Day event moved to Presser Hall

Because of inclement weather, the Veterans Day wreath-laying ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. today (Nov. 11) in Presser Hall at Ohio Northern University. Daus Hempker will deliver remarks. 

The Veterans Day event will also include:
• an invocation by the Rev. David MacDonald, ONU chaplain;
• performance of the National Anthem by the ONU Chamber Singers;
• bagpipe performance by the Ada Pipers’ Society/Lion Rampant Band;
• greetings and laying of memorial wreaths by
   ONU President Daniel DiBiasio and Ada Mayor David Retterer;
• a moment of silence; and
• the playing of taps.

Blood drive on Nov. 25

Ada Visiting Nurses and Community Health Professionals (CHP) are hosting a community blood drive on Monday, Nov. 25, from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at CHP's conference room, 1200 S. Main St. 

To schedule an appointment, call 419-634-1333, or go online to to pre-register.
