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Guinness World Record - here comes Ada

Football toss Friday afternoon could go into the record books

A quest to set a world record is on Ada's Friday calendar.

The quest is for the number of individuals tossing footballs at the same time. It will be pursued at 2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 25, at Ada War Memorial Stadium.

The goal is for 1,000 pairs of individuals (2,000 people total) to toss and catch footballs at the same time.

The participants will line up along each five-yard line.

Ada High School Principal Dan Lee is spearheading the effort and is working with Guinness Book of World Record officials to certify the endeavor as a new event under the “mass participation” category.

Health department give flu shots Nov. 1 in McGuffey

The Hardin County Health Department will give flu shots in McGuffey next week, according to Kelsey Ralston of the health department.

Flu shots will be given from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1, in the Community Room of the McGuffey post office.

Ada CIC will act on real estate purchase agreement

Ada Boyz, LLC, interested in purchase property in Ada Industrial Park

Ada Community Improvement Corp (CIC), will hold a special meeting at noon,  Wednesday, Oct. 23, in the Depot, according to Eileen Peterman, CIC secretary.

The meeting is to "present a motion for CIC to enter into an agreement consistent with the general terms set forth in the real estate purchase agreement between Ada Boyz, LLC, and Ada Area Community Improvement Corporation."

The property is located at the Ada Industrial Park.

This meeting follows a special Ada council meeting held Thursday, which centered on the same subject.



Craft show, cemetary tours this weekend

And, don't forget all the Halloween-related events coming soon

Ada Music Boosters fall craft show and Ada Historical Society's Woodlawn Cemetary tours highlight events in the community this weekend.

The craft show is Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the 1986 school gym. General admission is $3.

The cemetary tours are Sunday. Click here for complete tour details.

October concludes with a boatload of event. Many of those follow and for complete details, click on the accompanying links:

Special Ada council meeting tonight

A special Ada council meeting is set for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 17, 2019  pm in the Ada Historic Depot.  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss transfer of property and the water treatment plant operator position, according to Angela Polachek.



BETH AN is a familiar Main Street Ada plate. The vehicle owner is also owner of Tavern 101.
