Posted by Fred Steiner on Monday, December 19, 2016
Here's a license plate found in the Bluffton school parking lot. You'll find it on a silver Mercury Monterey. I Peter, chapter 5, verse 7 offers an encouraging message to everyone.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Sunday, December 18, 2016
Not partridges, not a pear tree...but somehow reminiscent. Ken Collins took this "12 Days of Christmas" photo last week in Ada. It certainly makes the season feel right.
November winners: Carlie Oldfield, Spencer Wall, Timber Blankenship, Chance Taylor, Rylie Roser, Jack Weatherly
Posted by Fred Steiner on Sunday, December 18, 2016
The Act of Kindess Program launched this school year at Ada, according to Bill Faine, teacher and junior high Aspirations advisor. It's a program created by the junior high Aspirations/advisory team.
"This program is where the junior high teachers and Mr. Lee observe students who, throughtout the month, consistently and naturally display of kindness," he said. "We select a boy and girl from each of the sixth, seventh and eighth grades and these are the November winners:
6th grade = Carlie Oldfield and Spencer Wall 7th grade = Timber Blankenship and Chance Taylor 8th grade = Rylie Roser and Jack Weatherly
Posted by Fred Steiner on Sunday, December 18, 2016
Deb Curlis of Community Health Professionals, is asking Ada businesses and interested community groups for support of its monthly Bingo and free lunch program at CHP.
"For the past nine years, Richland Manor has provided a free lunch and Bingo the first Wednesday of every month for area seniors," she said. "Since Richland Manor will be moving soon to Delphos they are no longer going to provide this monthly service.
Curlis said that there are usually 40 to 60 seniors attending this event each month.
So that the program doesn’t end, Community Health Professionals will provide the lunch for 2017.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Sunday, December 18, 2016
Louis Earl Corbet, 86, our beloved father and grandfather died on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2016.
He was born on July 7, 1930, son of the late Harry and Mary (Carle) Corbet in Lima, Ohio.
He served in the U.S. Army, stationed in Nuremberg, Germany, during the Korean War Conflict. Louis married Phyllis Allen on Jan. 9, 1954, she predeceased him on Jan. 9, 2010.