Deb Curlis of Community Health Professionals, is asking Ada businesses and interested community groups for support of its monthly Bingo and free lunch program at CHP.
"For the past nine years, Richland Manor has provided a free lunch and Bingo the first Wednesday of every month for area seniors," she said. "Since Richland Manor will be moving soon to Delphos they are no longer going to provide this monthly service.
Curlis said that there are usually 40 to 60 seniors attending this event each month.
So that the program doesn’t end, Community Health Professionals will provide the lunch for 2017.
Curlis invites groups and businesses to consider sponsoring the Bingo for one month in 2017 at a cost of $50 per month.
Liberty National Bank is sponsoring January and February's Bingo.
"Your name will be on our sign for the month you choose and also on the Bingo table, she said. "Some seniors attend because they need the meal and some look forward to seeing their friends."
E-mail or call Curlis at 419-634-7443 or at [email protected], if interested in being a monthly sponsor.