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Living in Ada

Village Voice: It’s tax season – need assistance with your Ada village income taxes?

The Village of Ada uses the services of Central Collection Agency (also known as CCA) Division of Taxation for filing and payment of Village Income taxes. As a service to its customers, CCA schedules on site taxpayer assistance.

This year, auditors from CCA will be available at the Ada Depot on Saturday, March 28th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Auditors will be able to assist taxpayers with their Village of Ada income tax form preparations.

Village Voice: Sanitary sewer overflow report available

Did you know?
The Village of Ada is required by the federal Clean Water Act to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit because our wastewater treatment plant discharges treatment plant effluent into Grass Run Creek.

The wastewater is treated through the Village’s wastewater treatment plant before it is discharged into the creek and the treatment is overseen by licensed operators and subject to Ohio EPA inspections and codes.

Thanks for great participation from the public

Thank you!
Community involvement and input is a vital aspect of many of our improvement projects in the Village of Ada. On Tuesday night, over 25 people attended the public meeting held at the Ada Exempted Schools building to discuss the upcoming Klingler Road Reconstruction Project, the Safe Routes to School Project, and the Village’s sidewalk cost sharing program. The questions, comments and input of the public is greatly appreciated by Ada Village Council and administration.

If you are interested in more information on any of these programs, please contact Jim, Jamie or Angela in the Village Offices, 419-634-4045.

Village Voice: Heart, health and air pollution

February is American Heart Month, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). That designation may not be cause for a large bouquet of flowers to be sent your way on Valentine’s Day, but some of the causes of heart disease are worth noting when considering our quality of life in Ada.

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S., according to CDC statistics.

While we have all heard the medical reports that diet and exercise may help reduce the risk of heart disease, we don’t often hear about the impact that breathing our air has on our hearts.

Village Voice: Nearly 40 percent of Ada water bills are estimated in January - here's why

A major goal of the Village’s water department is to be able to obtain an actual reading of water meter usage each and every month. Using an actual read each month helps both the consumer and the Village better budget and track water usage. 

Our ordinances do allow for the Village to use estimated readings for billing under certain circumstances.

2014 Ada municipal income tax forms available

The Village of Ada utilizes the services of Central Collection Agency (CCA), Division of Taxation, for municipal income tax issues. If you have filed municipal taxes in years past, you are may be accustomed to receiving a tax package, including tax forms, from CCA each January. In the interest of reducing costs, CCA will no longer be mailing those forms directly to you. You may receive an informational postcard in the mail from CCA, explaining the change to you.

The Village/Water office now has copies of the 2014 tax forms available. We will also be providing the Ada Public Library with a limited number of forms.
