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Living in Ada

Village Voice: Sidewalks + Ice + Cold Temps = What do I do?

While some people may look forward to snow covered trees and lawns, many of us dread icy sidewalks once the temperatures sink lower and lower.

Ada Codified Ordinance 521.06 does require walks to be kept free from snow and ice, by either the owner or the occupant of the property.

Many people start applying rock salt at the first sign of precipitation and cold temperatures. Rock salt, which is primarily sodium chloride, tends to be on the less expensive side of deicers. However, rock salt can harm pets, plants, grass, and trees.

Rock salt can also cause the sidewalks to begin breaking down, depending on the composition of the concrete used during construction.

Village Voice: Fire hydrant flushing July 27-31

Village Voice
In the coming weeks, you may see Village Water and Street Department crews working on fire hydrants throughout the village.

A sign that this work is going on may be water running down the street. If you happen to encounter the running water, please steer clear of the stream, regardless if you are in a car, on a bike or on foot.

Flushing the water hydrant system is a routine maintenance activity.

Over time, sediment deposits may accumulate in the complex water system. These deposits are naturally occurring, and are a result of the minerals in water reacting with the inside of the water pipes.

Village Voice: Village ready to help during Lincoln Highway Buy Way

It’s Lincoln Highway Buy Way Time
Sale dates: Thursday-Friday-Saturday - Aug. 13-14-15

For 11 years, Ada CIC and the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce have continued to
sponsor the Lincoln Highway Buy –Way Yard Sale. This year is no different.

Ada is one community among many that choose to celebrate the historical Lincoln
Highway with the great Buy-Way.

Village Voice: Fire hydrant flushing July 27-31

The Village of Ada Water and Streets Departments will be flushing water hydrants
throughout the Village in July. The project is currently scheduled to take place July 27
– 31, but may be extended if circumstances are warranted.

More information with be provided in the July 23 edition of the Village Voice.

2014 Ada Consumer Confidence Report now available

The 2014 Ada Consumer Confidence Report, also known as CCR, will be available to the general public on June 1, 2015.

Making the report available is an annual requirement for compliance with the Safe Drinking
Water Act for community water systems throughout the country. According to the U.S. EPA, the report “lists the regulated contaminants found in the drinking water… well as health effects information.”

The Village passes this information along to its consumers not just to comply with
the federal regulations, but also because the administration feels it is important for consumers to know where their drinking water comes from and what affects it.

Pool passes – Get yours for the reduced price for a limited time!

Believe it or not, summer is right around the corner and after the warm teaser weather we
have recently enjoyed, who isn’t ready for more sun and heat?

Be prepared for those hot days and opening day on May 23 – buy your season for the Ada Pool today.

Beat the opening day rush to purchase your pass. Passes will be on sale at the pool on
Tuesday, May 19, from 4 – 6 p.m., and Wednesday, May 20, from 4 – 6 p.m.

Passes for Ada residents/taxpayers are $30 per person through June 1. After June 1,
the cost is $40 per person.
