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Village asking for community assistance in confidential income survey

Ada village officials are asking for residents to assist in a program that many offset the cost of an upcoming improvement project.

The Village Voice addresses the issue, and the Voice follows:

The Village is considering a number of capital improvement projects for the water and sewer systems in the Village.

These projects will enhance the water quality, in supply, treatment and distribution for the water utility system users.

The Village has been progressive in pursuing and applying for grant and loan funds to help offset the cost of improvement projects. We plan to continue that pursuit. In order to establish eligibility for the funding programs, we have asked the Ohio Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP) for assistance with conducting a confidential income survey of the Village.

A confidential and independent analysis of the results will determine of the village may qualify for such financial funding support.

Staff from the village will conduct this survey in person with selected residents over the next two weeks. Completing the survey will only take a few minutes of your time and will help the Village determine how much funding is available for future projects.

If a member of our staff does visit your household, please allow them a few moments of your time. Village staff members do carry Village-issued identification, so if you are uncertain, please feel free to ask to see identification.

The survey requires a minimum number of responses, so your cooperation is greatly appreciated. The survey may be mailed to selected residents, if the minimum number of responses are not received.

Please be assured that your responses will remain anonymous and will only be reported in the aggregate and submitted directly to the appropriate funding agencies.

If you have any questions regarding the income survey process, please do not hesitate to contact the Village office at 419-634-4045.

The Village Voice
The Village of Ada publishes informational articles about Village policies and services currently offered. These articles are for informational purposes only. Further details and the complete Codified Ordinances may be found on the Village website,, or by calling the Village Offices at 419-634-4045.
