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Here's what's happening in Hardin County

Here's the calendar of events of activities taking place in the next few weeks in Hardin County from the the Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance.

Several Ada events are included:

September 9, 16, 23
Farmers Market, Hardin Memorial Hospital
September 8-13
Hardin County Fair
September 15
Music on Main Lunch -  Buy Ada First
September 16
United Way Kick Off
September 17
Lunch-N-Learn - Elder Abuse - Community Health Professionals
September 19
Harvest & Herb Festival, Ada
September 26-27
Sweet Harvest - Althauser Honey Farm/Pumpkin Patch
September 28
Health is Wealth - Good Samaritan Society
October 3
Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre - Serenity Stables TC

Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance 
September 17
Hardin County Safety Council Meeting
September 18
Economic Development Committee Meeting
September 25
Hardin County Job & Career Expo
September 30
Women L.E.A.D. Inaugural Kickoff Event
October 1
Chamber & Tourism Committee Meeting
October 7
Historic Courthouse District Committee Meeting
October 13
Hardin County Ambassadors Meeting
October 28
Community Development Committee Meeting

The Inn at Ohio Northern University
September 11
Summer Jazz & Blues at the Inn
October 1
Fall PaintINN at the Inn at ONU

Freed Center for the Performing Arts at ONU
September 24, 25, 27
Edges - Fall Studio Musical
September 26
Second City with Improv Group (3rd Act)
October 3
Taylor 2 with ONU Dance Company
