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Ada's latest news

Deb Curlis talks to Kiwanis about chamber, Ada and lots more

Deb Curlis, president of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce and marketing director of Community Health Professionals of Ada, updated Ada Kiwanis members of topic all across the board at the June 28 meeting.

She noted her past employment experiences consisting of assisting her parents with their restaurant, working in retail with Lazarus and Macy’s and finally in the health care field, concluding with Community Health Professions.

She spoke on lessons in dealing with her parent’s declining years and things she was not prepared to face when they were presented to her.

Grand jury indicts April 5 Bluffton Circle K armed robbery suspect

A Hancock County grand jury has indicted a Michigan man in connection with the April 5, armed robbery of the Circle K store located on Commerce Lane in Bluffton. 

Police officers arrived within a minute of the robbery and were able to immediately secure the scene. 


Officials were able to issue an immediate media release with the suspect photo as well as an alert to regional police agencies. 

Alger's hanging garden

This large pot, held up by railroad ties, is a beauty spot in Alger.

The planter, filled to overflowing with million bells, complements other hanging baskets on the porch of Mike and Tera Howard at 108 W. Lee, which is where State Route 235 turns south out of Alger.

Pictured are Reagan (left) and Rylee Pulfer with Ashtyn Kindle. (Monty Siekerman photo)

"Welcome to Hardin County" signs going up this summer

The Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance continues to promote the new county motto, which will be featured on the new “Welcome to Hardin County” signs. Fifteen signs, at the county lines of incoming U.S. and state highways, will be replaced over the summer months.   

The website address will promote Hardin County on the new Alliance website.

There's a new lunch and dinner option in Ada - it's at The Cask Room

There’s a new lunch and dinner option in Ada.

The Cask Room, 127 S. Main St., Ada, noted for its fine selection of wines, has introduced a vegetarian menu offered through the day.

The menu includes muhamarra, hummus, fried mushrooms, falafel sandwich, tempeh, lettuce and tomato sandwich, curried “chicken” salad sandwich, falafel, plate, cheese plate and sorbet.

Watch for a feature on the new menu coming soon on the Icon.

The Cask Room’s menu is an attachment at the bottom of this story. The menu will also be listed in the Icon’s restaurant menu page.

The race is on

The race is on. Members of the Ada swim team end practice with a relay race. The team is preparing for the Western Ohio Aquatic League championships held at the Bluffton pool on July  8-9.
