By Monty Siekerman
A business class taught by Dr. Jimmy Wilson is updating information about Ada businesses, industries, and churches on Google Maps.
Businesses in town come and ago, especially those who rent storefronts on Main Street. Information about them has been out of date for several years. Several businesses have opened in new structures, such as Vancrest and Ada Family Medicine.
That has all changed.
Ada's industries, churches, parks, and government buildings have been relatively unchanged, but that information has been updated, as well, if needed.
The 11 students in the marketing class take current exterior photos and ask for information about addresses, hours of operation, and websites.
Has it made a difference? Yes. Google reports that the Ada changes have been viewed more than 1,500 times in just a couple of weeks
Google Maps is important in providing the locations of, and directions to, businesses, residences and special places around the world.
Never before has it been so easy to obtain relatively easy-to-navigate driving directions using Google Maps.
Dr. Wilson said, "The business information provided in Google Maps was old. When users zoom into Ada on Google Maps, they see that business locations are frequently wrong or missing, and their listings are also wrong and out of date. This information is important to those of us who live here, but much more to visitors to our community and potential students to ONU. Wrong information makes all of us look bad."
The new information is sent to Google for review. Once accepted, usually within two days, the students make the changes.
Dr. Wilson said, "The students are excited to be a part of this project, that the data they collect will be disseminated to anyone who visits Ada virtually, and that what they do will directly help Ada's businesses."
"It's a good example of civic engagement and active learning," he said. "And we all win from the results. The students and I get to perform valuable field research outside during class time, they learn a valuable skill while interacting with local residents and business people, and their product directly improves the quality of life here in Ada."
So, when anyone anywhere clicks on Viva Maria's for example, they will see address, hours of operations, web site, and photos.
Many throughout the world rely on the popular Google Maps for information and driving directions. Google has also mapped the Moon, if you are inclined to go there. And Mars! Happy traveling.