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Ada's latest news

Next prince and princess tea at The Inn is July 24

If you missed the prince and princess tea last week at The Inn at ONU, don't worry. The next tea is from 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, July 24.

Reservations are required. Contact The Inn at ONU at the website at the bottom of this story.

Meet the Icon's dog of the week - he's not a lion!

Icon's dog of the week looks like a lion, but, trust us, he barks!

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Here's Skyler, 1-year-old old male boxer mix, 42 pound

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.

Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

Once upon a time in Ada: When did girls' basketball return to Ada HS?

Once upon a time in Ada
Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

Next class is Saturday

Lynne Scott leads an aqua zumba class at the Ada Pool on Saturday afternoon. Lynne is a certified aqua zumba instructor and certified to teach zumba on land, too. She has led several zumba classes on terra firma in several towns. The fast-paced aqua zumba routine is held every Saturday at the Ada pool from 12:05 to 12:40 p.m. About 13 people attend each week. You can join anytime. Cost is $5 per session. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Grace Gospel Church throws a party

Grace Gospel Church held a block party, open to the public, on Saturday at the church, 323 N. Gilbert St.

Here, Jenna Craig paints Elijah Craig's face.

There were hot dogs, games, a bounce house, music and more for all those who attended the party on a pleasant Saturday.

The Icon has many additional photos at the bottom of this story.

Zumba in the Wata

Lynne Scott leads an aqua zumba class at the Ada Pool on Saturday afternoon. Lynne is a certified aqua zumba instructor and certified to teach zumba on land, too. She has led several zumba classes on terra firma in several towns. The fast-paced aqua zumba routine is held every Saturday at the Ada pool from 12:05 to 12:40 p.m. About 13 people attend each week. You can join anytime. Cost is $5 per session. (Monty Siekerman photo)
