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How many trophies could this group have earned?

How many Northwest Conference sports trophies might have been added to the Bulldog trophy case had girls intra-school athletics existed when this photo was taken.

No one will know because intra-school athletics for girls was not permitted in the 1960s.

This is the next best thing: the Ada High School Girls Athletic Association (GAA). In it, girls played competitively among themselves.

This photo is from the 1965-66 school year.

Pawsitivite Attitude 4-H Club collecting pet supplies for WV flood victims

The Pawsitive Attitude 4H dog club is collecting donations of pet food and supplies to take to the West Virginia flood victims.

Donations can be dropped off at the Hardin County OSU Extension office until noon on Friday or in front of The Courier, 701 W. Sandusky St., Findlay, on Wednesday  from 8-5 and  Thursday from 8-5. The supplies will be delivered to West Virginia on Saturday.

Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club will help with township hall open house

Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club met on June 27 for their sixth meeting of the year.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Grant Smith followed by the 4-H Pledge led by Evan Lyle.  Roll call was answered with favorite sport by 14 members with 3 advisors and 3 parents/guests present.  

In old business, T-shirts have been ordered and will be delivered at the next meeting.  Members volunteered to help with the Open House of the new Township Hall on July 9th from 10-2.  Members will sweep out the barns, donate cookies for the event and help clean during the event.

Meet next school year's Ada Music Booster officers

The Ada school Music Boosters this week announced its 2016-17 officers. They are:
• Shane Wright – president
• Arlene Allison and Amy Spar - vice presidents, communications, publicity and marketing
• Amy Morgan and Arlene Allison – vice presidents, fundraising
• Beth Milks and Shelly Hopson – vice presidents, parent involvement and activities
• Secretary – Cindy Boehnm
• Treasurer – Dave Smittle
• Assistant treasurer – Amy Morgan
• Bingo volunteer coordinator* – Kelly Wright
• SCRIP coordinator* – Kim Smittle
     * Volunteer/appointed

Astronauts, Earth and Space - your science lesson for the summer

By Monty Siekerman

The Ada Public Library sponsored a program about astronauts, Earth and Space on Tuesday afternoon at Community Health Professionals. Reed Steele of Toledo presented the program.

Here, volunteers react after a controlled mini-explosion sent plastic objects to the ceiling.


About 75 youngsters and adults were on hand for the science lesson.

Lookin' good

Soon, the caboose in Ada Railroad Park will be back to its original color of deep red. TJ Painting is finishing the exterior painting, having repainted the inside earlier. The 1941 Pennsy rail car was placed in the park in 1989. Over the years, it faded to a rusty pink. The caboose is a main attraction in the park and photographed quite often. The lettering will be applied in the near future. Pennsy caboose #477779 will look as good as new. (Monty Siekerman photo)
