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Ada's latest news

One giant leap for ONU - Engineering students build moon buggy replica

FROM ONU FACEBOOK - In the years that followed Neil Armstrong’s historic first step onto the moon, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) understood that, in order to maximize the value of their astronauts’ brief time on the lunar surface, they would need to expand their effective range.

In the early 1970s, the Boeing Corporation began building lunar roving vehicles (LRVs), to help astronauts explore more territory. The first LRV, or “moon buggy” as it was affectionately called, was launched with the Apollo 15 mission on July 26, 1971.

Fall sports parent meeting July 25

Ada schools announced that the OHSAA fall sports parent meeting for athletes in grades 7-12 will be held on Monday, July 25, in the auditorium at 7 p.m.

ONU registering organizations, businesses, residents for ACE Day

Ohio Northern University is currently registering organizations, businesses and residents for its fifth annual Ada Community Engagement (ACE) Day to be held on Saturday, Aug. 20, from 10 a.m. to noon.

A partnership with the village of Ada, the ACE Day program provides opportunities for ONU’s first-year students to not only engage with the community but also contribute to the village’s beautification.

Ada chamber, Ada CIC meet on Wednesday

Two Ada groups meet on Wednesday. Both meeting are open to the public.

Ada's Area Chamber of Commerce meets at 8 a.m. at Community Health Professionals, 1200 S. Main St.

Ada's Community Improvement Corp. (CIC) meets at noon, in the Dean's Heritage Room in McIntosh Center on the ONU campus.

Full Gospel's VBS train ride

Abbey Anderson rings the bell on the chocho train at Ada Full Gospel Church. The church, located north of Ada on SR 235, sponsors one of the largest Vacation Bible Schools in the area; 130 youngsters attended on Monday evening. VBS there continues nighty from 6 until 9 p.m. through Thursday. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Meet Father Abraham

Abraham (a.k.a. Sean Harley) reads Bible verses to second and third graders at Alger First United Methodist Church during Vacation Bible School on Monday evening. This year's theme is Men of the Bible. Nineteen youngsters attended on Monday. VBS there continues from 6:30 until 8 p.m. through Thursday. (Monty Siekerman photo)
