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Ada's latest news

Some summer Ada news items in bits and pieces

Some random Ada pieces of information.

What’s happening in Ada?

The Icon picked up the follow one-sentence news items earlier this week. Each is a story on its own. We’ll simply provide headline details for sake of brevity and hope that we can provide additional information as these stories develop:

Make reservations now for Tuesday's Wine and Design art class

It's a painting party where you can uncork your creativity in downtown Ada.

Wine and Design holds its next art class at 6 p.m., Tuesday, July 26, at 220 N. Main St, Ada.

Darrel Seiler instructs this month's art work project step-by-step while you relax, sip and paint along, according to Amanda Morrison.

Call Morrison at 567-674-5705 or email [email protected] to make your reservation.

Ada's Lincoln Highway Buy-Way Yard Sale meeting July 25

Ada is taking the first step to prepare for next month's LIncoln Highway Buy-Way Yard Sale.

This year the sale is Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 11, 12 and 13.

A organizational meeting for persons interested in details or for those interested in volunteering to assist in Ada's portion of the event at 1 p.m., Monday, July 25, in the Ada depot, according to Angela Polachek of the village.

In past years Ada village created a map showing all local garage sales. A booth on Main Street distributed the maps to garage salers. And, signs were made available to all garages participating in the weekend event.

"Capabilities in Ada" assists persons with disabilities to find employment

Ca-pa-bil-i-ty – power or ability.
Example: “He had an intuitive capability of bringing the best out of people.”

You may not be aware, but there are several "capabilities" opportunities in Ada.

It’s simply called Capabilities in Ada. It’s a program that provides community job and community integration services to area residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Breanne Settlemire is Ada’s community consultant. This summer she works with several Capabilities interns through Ohio Northern University. Interns are persons with disabilities.

Sweet corn on Main

Suter's Produce of Pandora opened its red wagon at the 302 Carryout on Main Street, Ada. You'll find a selection of sweet corn and peaches. Our advice is to check the wagon early in the day before it's gone.

Oh, deer!

On Tuesday morning, The Icon, heading east on Lima Avenue near Ohio Northern University, spotted a deer family traveling from the south side of the avenue to the north side and toward the woods on campus.

In addition to the deer, a flock of Canada geese stood ready to fend off anyone who came too close.

After stopping to watch, the Icon took the following photos of the deer crossing the street.

We've enhanced some of the photos to viewers can see the deer outlines - because we were shooting into the sun.
