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Ada's latest news

Summer reading program logs due Saturday

Here's what's on tap next week at the Ada Public Library for this weekend and next week:

Friday, July 15
1-2:30 p.m., "Christmas in July" gingerbread houses.

Saturday, July 16
Summer reading ends, reading logs due by 2 p.m.

Monday, July 18
6:30 p.m., teen writing group.

Tuesday, July 19
1 p.m., Amish book group.



Ada Presbyterian hosts Summer Fun Days July 17-20

Ada First Presbyterian Church hosts Summer Fun Days from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Sunday, July 17, to Wednesday, July 20. The events are free and all ages are welcome.

The theme is:  “Go! Team! Go!  We are joining God's team!”

According to persons in charge of the event: “Our Summer Fun Days are modeled after our Wednesday evening Logos youth program. Logos has four components:  worship, Bible study, recreation and fellowship with a meal. This is a program that incorporates all ages (from children up to adults) and helps to build relationships between youth and adults while focusing on our Christian growth.”

Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club thinking about the county fair

Jumbo Junior Farmers 4-H Club met on July 11, 2016 for their seventh meeting of the year.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Evan Lyle followed by the 4-H Pledge led by Skye Shaffer.  Roll call was answered with favorite animal by 15 members with 2 advisors and 4 parents/guests present.  

In old business, 4-H Camp this week starting on Wednesday. The club has several members who will attend.  The open house for the township hall was a success over the weekend!  Thanks to all of the volunteers to sweep the barns, make cookies and clean up during the event.  T-shirts were handed out to the members who ordered them.

Ada's month for car show - July - VFW hosts Saturday show

The Ada VFW Post 9381 will expand its car show this year after a successful first year. This year’s show is Saturday afternoon, July 16, at the VFW Post, 2147 State Route 235, north of Ada.

Last year's event drew 40 cars and 15 motorcycles.

New this year will be a truck category.

Registration of $10 is from 2 to 4 p.m. Judging is from 4 to 6 p.m. and awards are presented at 6:30 p.m.

Trophies will be awarded for car, bike and truck categories, best of show, people's choice award, participant's award, mayor's choice award.

So many colors from which to choose

What's your favorite color? There's an entire spectrum of colors in women's clothing at ReStore on North Main Street, Ada. Stop in and browse.

An Ada premier - Friday evening - it's the Varsity Singers!

After a week-long summer camp Ada High School's Varsity Singers present their 2016-17 show premier performance.

It's at 7 p.m., Friday, July 15, in the Ada school auditorium and is open to the publicc.

"Love is in the Air" is the show theme.


Under the direction of their new vocal director, Scott Henning, instrumental director, Jonathan Lischak, and new choreographer Zach Triscari, the Singers will compete at Piqua, Findlay, Medina, Marion Harding, Marysville, as well as host their annual Music Feast show choir competition this school year.
