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60 candles on Ferguson Insurance anniverary cake - open house Friday

By Monty Siekerman
Ferguson Insurance Agency will celebrate its 60th anniversary with an open house from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, July 22, at the office, 1356 Township Road 35 (St. Paul Road). All are welcome.

Ruth and John Ferguson started the agency in 1956. They were joined by their son, Fred, in 1978. John died in 1995 and Jamie Hazelton, Fred's daughter, joined the agency in 1996 and remains there today.

The Hazeltons live on the 60 acre farm where the business is located, northwest of Ada. She and her husband, Chad, are the parents of six children. The family raises many kinds of farm animals.

Presbyterian hopscotch

What do you get when you combine tick-tac-toe and hopscotch? Summer Fun Days at the Ada First Presbyterian Church. Here, Nathan Allen and Deb Allen compete in a new game along the sidewalk by the church on Sunday evening. Other events,  held from 6:30 to 8 p.m., this week include worship on Monday, Bible study on Tuesday, and a picnic on Wednesday. The church is located at 201 S. Main St. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Fall 2016 Bulldog athletic team schedules on the Icon

Go Bulldogs!

Ada High School's 2016 fall athletic schedules are now on the Icon. The fall schedules are in at attachment at the bottom of this story.

Opening game and matches vary from sport to sport. All varsity teams launch their seasons with home games except for for cross county, which has all meets on the road, and girls' tennis, which opens at Toledo Rogers on Aug. 13. Cross country's first meet is Sept. 3 at the Columbus Grove Invitational.

First games for all other varsity teams, at home, include:

And there were bikes, too

Nearly 70 cars, trucks, and bikes were on display at the second annual VFW Car Show on Saturday. More photos are below. (Ken Collins photo)

It was a big weekend of cars, trucks and bikes in Ada

Photos and story by Ken Collins

Nearly 70 cars, trucks, and bikes were expected at the second annual VFW Car Show, according to Wynn Hauenstein of the Ada Post. 

The event continues to grow, and the event organizers hope to be able to move it into town in the future.  Jose Cartegena is shown with his white Mustang.


Nearly 300 cyclists make Ada home on Saturday and Sunday

Story and photos by Ken Collins
The 14th Young's Ice Cream Charity Bike Tour came to Ada this past weekend. 

The event provides support to several charities, including United Rehabilitation Services of Greater Dayton, the Alzheimer's Association, South Community Positive Health Options, and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International.  


Bicyclists began the annual tour early Saturday at Young's Ice Cream in Yellow Springs, Ohio, cycling to the Ohio Northern University Campus in Ada.  After spending the night in Ada, cyclists returned to Yellow Springs on Sunday.
