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Historical Ada

Once upon a time in Ada

1916 F&M Picnic

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
August 18, 1916, University Herald reported 5,000 people enjoyed the F&M Picnic in Ream’s Grove where Governor Frank B. Willis presented a stirring address.

Familiar family names run throughout the old newspaper article; H.J. Sousley was elected upcoming president with Dana E. Welsh named secretary.

Lee Tressel won $3.00 for first place in the horse race.

1991 Ada Crunch U12 soccer champs

In 1991, the Ada Crunch U12 soccer team won the Black Swamp Soccer League tournament.

Team members, front from left, Randy Searson, Brooks Simon, Nate Ulrey, Chad Miller, Jeff Barnes, Luke Dearth, Jacob Conley and Justin Craig.

Standing from left, Lance Bolen, Coach Jim Ulrey, Shawn Lopez, Chuck Hazelton, Jason Kindle, Jeremy Searson, Heath Craig, Josh Conley, Jared Wolf and Coach Steve Kindle.

(From the collection of Leland Crouse)

Once upon a time in Ada

 A 1912 Sunday school gift at Sugar Grove Methodist

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
Here’s a card that Sunday school students in Sugar Grove Methodist Church received from their teacher, W.E. Candler at Christmas in 1912.

Click on it to read all the biblically-related information. For example, you will find that a mite was less than a quarter of a cent (think: story of the widow’s mite).

Also, according to Genesis, Noah’s ark measured 300 cubits long, 50 cubits broad and 30 cubits high.

Ada Boy Scouts in 1991

Here's Ada Boy Scouts placing flags on the gravesites of veterans at Ada's Woodlawn Cemetery in 1991.

From left, kneeling, Rob Straits, Trent Boedicker, Josh Seagrave, Ronnie Telles and Pat Boedicker.

Back row from left, Chad Hazelton, Dennis Straits, Bob Krofft, Mike Boedicker, Tom Lehman II, Tom Lehman and Tim Dyer II.

The photo was taken at the grave of Edwards Dickens, 1830 to 1915. He fought in Company 1 of the 135th Ohio Infantry of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) from 1861 to 1865.

(From the collection of Leland Crouse)


Entre Nous Women’s Club was organized in Ada in 1920

The object of the club shall be to bring the women of this city together for intellectual advancement, mutual helpfulness and the promotion of higher Social and Moral conditions. It shall aim to develop the habit of speaking without notes.

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
1920  - The Entre Nous Women’s Club was organized in Ada. Their colors was pink and white, their motto was “Tis the nurture of spirit, The culture of mind, That softens the nature, And makes one refined.

Officers for 1920-1921
President Mrs. Nan Clayton; First Vice President, Mrs. Bertha Brecheisen; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Laura McElroy and Treasurer, Mrs. Olga Bentley.

Program Committee was Mrs. Maude Moore, Chairman; Mrs. Myrtle Greer; Mrs. DeBritto Hindall.

Flower Committee was Mrs. Donna McElroy and Mrs. Carie Geseman

Here’s a list of Farmers’ and Merchants’ queens from 1953 to 1990

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
Betty Miller
August 15, 1990

In a world of rapid change the Farmers and Merchants Picnic has a reassuring sameness about it, and yet some special feature makes each picnic memorable.
