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Historical Ada

Who is the teacher?

We need some viewer assistance with this photo. It's from the 1962-63 Ada school year. Who is the teacher and what is the class? Bonus points for naming the guy raising his hand.

The Ada iceman cometh

Ada has ice!

Here's a photograph of an Ada ice house Leland Crouse received recently. He said that he lacks any information about it, including who might be in the photo, the Ada location and the date.

Once upon a time in Ada

Hardin County participated in a test blackout in 1943

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
April 8, 1943

Ada and Hardin County participated in a test blackout with 20 north central Ohio counties at 8:05 slow time.

Test No.1 will be given only to “key” personnel of the corps, such as members of the staff, and chiefs of service. This signal will not be heard by the public.

109 Ada HS sports seasons ago

No too many familiar last names in this Ada High School photo. Was it a football team, or another sport? There's one captain listed: Foss, number 11. (Photo from Leland Crouse)

Post script: Jon Umphress tells the Icon that number 11 Foss was his grandfather, Harold "Shorty" Foss. He played end of this football team and later worked at Cole Motors.

Once upon a time in Ada

Why has Ada never had a woman mayor?

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
Excerpt from Small Town Sampler
Betty Miller
1 November, 1989 The Ada Herald

November is a month of politics. As the election returns determine the big city mayors and council winners, often they are women. Small towns in our area have women mayors and women on their town councils. Why has Ada never had a woman mayor? Why is Betty Elzay the first and only woman ever elected to council in our 136 year-history? I decided to go back in our town history and see if I could find some answers.

A flour mill on West Montford?

Yes, built in 1874; destroyed by fire in 1915

This article is one of several pieces on the village’s history and written by members of The Ada Historical Society.

By Paul Logsdon
Images below are from the ONU Archives or courtesy of the online newspapers from the Ada Public Library.

Ada City Mills, 1874 - 1915
The residents of West Montford Ave. might be surprised to know that one of Ada’s early major businesses was located on their street. 

The Ada City Mills (flour), built in 1874 by Joseph Ream & Son, was located on the corner of West Montford and Heistand St.
