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Historical Ada

Ada Boy Scouts in 1967

Here's Ada Boy Scout troop 124 in July, 1967.

Back row from left - Morris (Base Camp Staff), Tally DaPore (Trip Voyager), Joe DaPore, Dennis Tressel, John Reese, Norman Rex and Dale Madison.

Front row from left, Tim English, Joe Bischoff, Tim Davis and Nolan Helser.

(Photo provided by Leland Crouse)

Once upon a time in Ada

Midwinter Fairs

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
Mid-Winter Fair
Excerpt from Small Town Sampler by Betty Miller

February 19, 1992

Ada youth in the 1880s.

Here is a photo of either a Ada children in a school or church photo. Harry Hahn, the boy in the center is the only person identified. His parents, Albert and  Flora Hahn, owned a bakery in Ada in the 1880s.

The photo was taken by A.W. Clutter, manager and operator of The Gilbert (photo) Gallery, Ada. See the identification at the bottom of the photo

The photo is from the collection of Fred Steiner, Bluffton, Harry Hahn is his great-uncle.

Once upon a time in Ada

Messick's dime store

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
Small Town Sampler
Betty Miller
13 May 1992 - The Ada Herald

Depending on your age you called it the racket store, the five and ten, the dime store or the variety store. If you had a nickel or a dollar you could leave the store with two or three items.

Are you on the Ada 7th grade VB team?

Here's an Ada 7th grade volleyball team that is from the late 1990s. Icon viewers can help nail down the correct school year. We think it is either 1997 or 1999.

Row 1 - Terra Coldiron, Tara Musselman, Jennifer McCombs

Row 2 - Mary Hughes, April Howard, Chelsty Hood, Vanessa Ward, Alexia VanAtta, Jennifer Wyss, Emily Stewart

Row 3 - Stephanie Minix, Megan Paugh, Kim Simon, Amy Young, Christina Rowe, Alexandra Koons

(Photo provided by Leland Crouse)

Once upon a time in Ada

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
August 23, 1876 - St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized at the home of Samuel Anspach, Esq., by Rev. J.L. Smith, missionary president of this synod with the following membership; Samuel Anspach and wife, John W. Umbaugh and wife, J.H. Umbaugh and wife, S.M. Anspach and wife, Augustus Cronbaugh and wife, Luther M. McCreary and Mrs. A. Oberlin.
