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Historical Ada

Ada High School FFA officers 1993

Officers of the Ada High School Future Farmers of America in 1993 were, from left, Aaron McDougle, student advisor; Chad Goodwin, treasurer; Angie Hoffman, president; Chad Hazelton, secretary; Crystal Sharrock, Vice President; Joel Klingler, chaplain; Chip LaRue, sentinel and Trish Long, reporter.

Tuesday's Kiwanis speaker

Lu Anne Cooke of the Ohio Lt. Governor’s office was guest speaker at Tuesday's Ada Kiwanis Club, meeting at ONU's McIntosh Center.

She talked about Ohio House Bill 2, the recently pass legislation establishing a Tech Credit program in Ohio. (Jon Umphress photo)

J.R. Spar farm in 1953

This photo is from the 1953 Ada centennial souvenir program. It is a photograph from an advertisement for the J.R. Spar farm, producers and distributor of certified seed since 1935.

The "friendly acres" includes corn hybrids, wheat, oats, soybeans. The farm was located two miles east of Ada on Route 81 and one-half mile north (directions listed in the advertisement).

The phone number was Green 1590.

1993 Ada piano students of Ellen Sheldon

Here are piano students of Ellen Sheldon who played in a recital in 1993.

Front from left, Rachel Kindle, Erin Sheldon, Megan Gossman and Elizabeth Eisaman.

Center row from left, Corey Best, Tasha Gross, Charles Best and Sara Kindle.

Back row from left, Megan Good, Becky Gossman, Tina Allen, Jackie Gossman and Susan Beckley.

Once upon a time in Ada

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
Excerpt from Small Town Sampler by Betty Miller
29 Sep 1993 - A target date of December 1993, for the completion of the restoration of the Pennsylvania caboose in Railroad Park would mark the 90th anniversary of another Ada Community project. The old Civil War cannon resting on its granite base in Railroad Park was dedicated in 1903.

Three score and six Christmases ago in Ada

Note: The Icon posted this photo several years ago, but as a Christmas scene it's a good one to reflect upon.

It's  rare winter night scene of Main Street, Ada. By the looks of that Buick, we'd say it this photo was taken close to 1953.

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