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Historical Ada

Beaverdam tile factory early 1900s

Ada had a tile factory and so did neighboring Beaverdam. Here's a rare photograph of the Beaverdam factory at the turn of an earlier century.

 Although the exact location is not known, the business operate in the early 1900s. Will Triplettt, pioneer Bluffton photographer, took the photo. It was originally on an 8.5 by 11 glass negative.

This is where Ada went to school in 1911

This post card, sent in 1911, shows what at the time was the Ada High School building. It is possible that the building housed the entire school. Viewers with further information about the school may email us at [email protected].

The photo was taken by C.R. Wilson, photographer, of Ada.

Vote to keep Ohio Dry on Nov. 3

Ada politics 101 years ago was just as interesting as it is today. Here's a photo of a political parade with the sign reading "Vote Ohio Dry on Nov. 3."

This was the Ohio ratification of federal alcohol prohibition. The election took place in November 1919. It was known as Referendum 1 as a veto referendum, where it was defeated. The measure rejected the ratification of the national prohibition amendment. The vote was later overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

The measure was one of four qeustions relating to alcohol prohibition on the 1919 Ohio ballot.

Watch the short story Interclass contestants read their works

The 114th annual Ada High School Interclass Competition enters Day 3. Icon viewers may watch today’s contestants on the video at the bottom of this story. 

Three short contestants in today’s video are:
Sophomore - Carmen Mancuso
Junior - Aleece Al-Olimat
Senior - Kaylee Huffer

Because of the no-school situation, the competition is on YouTube and may be viewed on the Icon and Ada Bulldogs Facebook. CLICK HERE to view the entire competition program.

Down by the station, circa 1900

This familiar Ada scene tells many stories. The photo is from the Ada Public Library photo history collection. It's the Pennsylvania depot in the early 1900s and the photo was courtesy of Viince Reichert.

Note some things that have changed, in addtion to the obvious steam locomotive.

No longer exists:

The day a U.S. president visited Ada

William Howard Taft, 27th president of the United States, was invited to Ada, and accepted the invitation. The visit was during his term as president from 1909 to 1913.

This photo post card from the Ada Public Library shows the horse-drawn carriage with the president and Ada dignitaries upon his arrival in Ada at the Pennsylvania Railroad depot.

The flip side of the post card shows a message from Ada to Mr. J.J. Motter of Xenia.
