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Historical Ada

Ada Main Street at mid-century

Here's a photo of Ada's Main Street looking north sometime in the late 1940s or very early 1950s. The truck parked southbound resembles a 1949 Cheverolt. There's even a "woodie" parked on the photographer's side of the street.

What else is in view? 
• Peper Drugs
• ODEON - was a a threatre?
• Check out the light poles and the condition of the sidewalks.

This photo is from the collection of the Ada Public Library.

Viewers are invited to make additional comments below.

100 years ago in rural Ada

Here is a colorized post card from the Ada Public Library collection. On the back side it reads: "Oil wells were in the vicinity of County Road 20 and Tonwship Road 25." One was on the Stober farm in the 1920s.

Oil wells were also drilled in Orange Township and other rural sections around Ada and Bluffton. At the height of the oil boom there were 500 oil wells in rural Bluffton and Ada.

When driving on State Route 103 between Bluffton and Arlington, each time you see a brick farmhouse that is a sign that an oil well was drilled on that property.


Once upon a time in Ada - Track records

By Leland Crouse
[email protected]
Ada Track Records: April 1994
- Three boys track records from the 1960s still stand at Ada High School: 

Dennis Burris holds the 110 meter high hurdle record of 14.6 seconds set in 1964.

Richard Conley has the discus record of 165’.5” in 1967.

Brian Peppler holds the 800 meter run mark of 1:56.9 set in 1968.

Ada school board 1950

Members of the Ada school board in 1950.

Front from left, S.D. Peper, Rev. Lee Moore, vice-president; Earl  Huber, president; Dr. C.H. Freeman.

Standing from left, C.C. Roberson, Charles Hubbell, Dr. Floyd Elliot and Earl Detrick, clerk.

1990 district choir members from AHS

Ada High School musicians who were members of the district choir during the 1989-90 school year.

Front from left, Staci Robinson, Natasha Warner. Back from left, Beth Siekerman, Marshall Traster and Craig Ward.

1993 Ada HS golfers

Photo courtesy of Leland Crouse
[email protected]
Members of the Ada High School golf team during the 1993 season are front row from left: Owen Smith, Ryan Moser, Kevin Bucher, Brian Beckley, Doug Deringer and Brian Gulbis.

Standing from left: Matthew Reese, Lee Mentzer, Jeff Fleming, Andy Knoble, Ty Traxler, Dusty Donley and John Katsaras.
