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Ada's latest news

July 7-8-9 are here with Sizzling Summer sales


From the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce:

"It looks like a beautiful day to kick off our Summer Sidewalk and Community Garage sales! We hope you are able to come out today, tomorrow, or Saturday! Be sure to also check out one of our many restaurants in Ada while out shopping."

Visit the chamber's event page for full details.

- Mercantile on Main: Thursday, Friday, Saturday--lots of items 25% and 50% off the regular price. "Check out all the sidewalk and garage sales in Ada and shop til you drop."

Wheat harvest

An Icon reader wants to know, what's the status on the wheat harvest? Mark Badertscher-OSU Extension says wheat matured early this year and was mostly harvested by last week. Yield reports range from 76-105 bushels/acre; moisture content was 12.5%-17.5% with good test weights and good grain quality. Overall it was a good year for wheat with good market prices. See this new article on wheat yet to be harvested.

Construction on SR 81 near Dunkirk

ODOT District 1 update for the week of July 11, 2022:

Weather permitting, State Route 81, east of the village of Dunkirk, will be restricted to one lane for drainage work.

July 9 Theater Makeup program at Ada Public Library

The Ada Public Library will host a Theater Makeup workshop led by Ameera Ansari, Costume Shop Manager/Resident Designer of ONU.

  • 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 9

Roadway closure: Clum between Napoleon and Hardin

ODOT District 1 has announced the following road closure due to construction:

Clum Road between Napoleon and Hardin Roads, will be closed on Thursday, July 7, 2022 and Friday, July 8, 2022, weather permitting, from 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. for roadway paving.

Emergency vehicles will have access.


Alger library director joins regional board

It’s not uncommon for Stacey Hensley, director of the Alger Public Library, to hear people say, “I didn’t know Alger had a library!” However, with a population of under 900, the fact is the library at 100 Wagner St. has an outsized impact on its community and also serves as the USV district library.
