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Bill Faine was teacher at Ada Exempted Village School

William “Bill” Faine, 59, passed away on September 18, 2021 at Blanchard Valley Hospital, Findlay.  Arrangements are incomplete at Chiles-Laman Funeral & Cremation Services, Bluffton.

Counselors will be standing by at Ada schools on Monday, September 20. The Ada Exempted Village School announced “we tragically lost a valued staff member and beloved teacher, Mr. Bill Faine. Mr. Faine left a lasting impression on our school and community. He was a beloved staff member who had a strong faith in God and will be greatly missed. In response to this devastating loss, counseling and support services will be on site starting Monday for students and staff.”

Mount Cory and Pleasant View churches host Fall Festival Sept. 26

The Mount Cory and Pleasant View United Methodist churches will host a Fall Festival from 2-4:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 26. The even was cancelled in 2020 due to COVID.

The festival includes games for kids, Romick's Train, clowns, a craft and
bake sale by members of the churches, Hancock County Sheriff's Office K-9
demo, fire trucks and more. 

The event is free and open to the public.


Safety Check: Morning cyclists riding in the dark

With shorter daylight hours and the return to school, area drivers and cyclists are sharing the road in the dark morning hours.

In the dark, drivers often can’t see cyclists without reflectors. The Consumer Product Safety Commission lists these requirements:

Letter to the editor: Masking on school buses

Dear Icon Readers, 

Send Silence Packing exhibit mental health conversation starter

The Send Silence Packing national traveling exhibit featuring stories from individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide will begin at 9 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 23 on the campus of Ohio Northern University.

Passersby are invited to walk among the Send Silence Packing backpacks to see the photographs and read the stories attached to them. Many of the backpacks were donated by families who lost a loved one to suicide.

The exhibit’s rain location will be in the McIntosh Center’s Mactivities Room.

Ada enjoys festive day hosted by Ada Area Chamber

On September 18, visitors to Ada enjoyed perhaps the largest Harvest and Herb festival in its 35-year history, according to Ada Area Chamber of Commerce director Deb Curlis.

With booths and food trucks stretching from North Avenue to the Ohio Northern campus, visitors shopped, ate, and celebrated the harvest season.

The Ada-Liberty Township Fire Department made a breath-taking American flag display at Main and Buckeye. First responders also made a presentation at the depot commemorating September 11, sharing their personal experiences of that day and enouraging audience members to join them in preparing for emergencies and serving their community.
