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Ada's latest news

Meanwhile in Bluffton

FROM BLUFFTON ICON - Rain damage over the weekend was not limited to Ada. Here's Riley Creek in Bluffton overflowing into the Buckeye Quarry on Sunday.

Lake Ada

Ken Collins shares three flooding photos of the Grass Run area with Ada Icon viewers. He took these just outside Ada on Sunday as rain fell most of the weekend.

Bridge over Hog Creek on CR 75 slated for replacement

The Hardin County Engineer, in partnership with ODOT, is proposing to replace the existing bridge on County Road 75 over Hog Creek located at mile marker 15.15 (approximately 2.5 miles northeast of the village of Ada).

Construction activities will result in temporary roadway closures. Vehicular traffic will be detoured. Access to all properties will be maintained throughout construction.

Construction is anticipated to occur in the summer of 2023.

Varsity A - one-half century ago

Here are members of the Ada High School Varsity A Club from the 1970-71 school year. Names of members are under the photo.

Goodbye, butterfly!

Students in Mrs. Gossard's first grade classroom recently watched the butterflies that they've cared for sail off into the Ada sky. Watch this event from a video on Ada Bulldogs Facebook by clicking here.

Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival returns

The 10 p.m. football drop is back - Saturday, Aug. 28

As events begin opening in Ada, the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce share updates with the Icon. Here’s the latest on the Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival, planned for Saturday, Aug. 28.

While events are in the planning stages, festival participants can watch a football scrimmage at Dial-Roberson Stadium featuring Ohio Northern University followed by a Punt, Pass, Kick competition. 

Evening activities will be held at the depot park and include a coaching clinic with area football coaches, display of footballs and related history by the Ada Historical Society, tailgating games, food trucks and raffles. 
