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Ada's latest news

Want to be on the Ada HS quiz bowl team?

Activities are picking up at Ada schools. Here's an update from the school website.

STUDENT’S IN GRADES 9-12: do you have a study hall or two? Consider working for a teacher during that time to earn a credit toward your HS graduation. Several teachers are still in need of a student worker, just contact Mrs. Temple or Mrs. Prater and they'll help you get one credit closer to graduation."

ATTENTION ANYONE IN GRADES 9-12: Interested in being a member of this year’s high school Quiz Bowl Team. We will meet Wednesday at 7:45 a.m. in Mr. Lusk’s room.

Volleyball: Ada stops Ben Logan 3-1

Ada High School's volleyball team defeated Benjamin Logan on Aug. 31 by a 3-1 match score.

Scores were: 25-23, 25-20, 23-25, 26-24

Megan had a career high 25 digs, Carlee added 14 kills and Melina 12 kills.

The JV won 25-9, 25-16

Freshman lost 25-22, 22-25, 18-25



Fourth-year pharmacy students compete in a tug-of-war contest during Pharmacy Phest over the weekend at the Ohio Northern University College of Pharmacy. The annual event features games, food and music to welcome students back after summer break. (Photo from ONU Facebook)

Ohio Northern University to present ‘The Not So Newlywed Game with Bob Eubanks’

Ohio Northern University’s Freed Center for the Performing Arts will present “The Not So Newlywed Game with Bob Eubanks” on Saturday, Sept. 5, at 7:30 p.m.

“The Not So Newlywed Game with Bob Eubanks” is a live replica of the television game that uses married couples that are either newlyweds or feel like newlyweds.

“The Newlywed Game” was one television’s most popular game television game shows, and, in 2013, TV Guide ranked it No. 10 in its list of the 60 greatest game shows ever.

Rocket into Scouting - Ada Cub Scouts sign-up night Sept. 2

Boys in grades 1 through 5 are invited to Join Scouting Night, at 6 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 2, at the Ada school, according to Don Spar, Cubmaster.

“Give it a try,” said Spar. “Sign-up takes place in the school cafeteria.”

All boys who register now receive a free rocket when they join Ada Cub Scout Pack 124. There is a $10 registration fee to join.

The rocket is free to boys who join on or before Sept. 2. It is also a ticket into the family-geared “Deliver the Promise” event at Camp Berry on Sept. 19. Boys are invited to bring their assembled rocket and launch it.

Apollo board meets Aug. 31

Apollo Career Center board of education will meet at 7 p.m., Monday, Aug. 31. Ada's representative on the board is Ron Fleming.

The agenda is an attachment at the bottom of this story.
