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Ada's latest news

Several Ada connections to Women L.E.A.D - county program for women professionals

The Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance Women Members this week announce a new board-approved program and organization, within its Chamber Division, called Women L.E.A.D. “Women Leading Women Forward.” 

Women L.E.A.D. will strive to be Hardin County's premier women's group, providing networking, collaborations, educational workshops, and guest speakers for current and prospective women members of the Alliance. 

Topics will range from how to start a new business and entrepreneurship opportunities to career and leadership development.

Abby Neville wins 3rd place in Versatility class at fair

Abigail Neville receives 3rd place in the Versatility class at the Allen County Fair last week.

Abby and her horse, Docs Sug O'Pine, competed in four events, Hunt Seat Equitation, Horsemanship, Reining and Barrel Racing.


Nathan Allen wins Pony Pleasure Class at fair

Nathan Allen, a member of the Classic Showmen 4-H Club, showed and won the Pony Pleasure Class at the Allen County Fair last week.

He and his horse JJ competed in several events in the 4-H competition.

Ada Rotary Club hears about retention of skilled labor force

Ada Area Chamber of Commerce president Deb Curlis joins Jon Cross, president of the Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance, after Cross addressed Tuesday's noon meeting of the Ada Rotary Club at The Inn at Ohio Northern. 

Development and retention of a skilled labor force will be essential to Hardin County's continued growth, Cross told Rotarians.

Sept. 18 Hardin Field Day tackles ag issues

Agricultural Conservation, Protecting Water: Keeping Soil and Nutrients in the Field’ will be the theme of the Hardin County Field Day on Friday, Sept. 18. 

The event will start out at the Jerry McBride Farm, 11312 County Road 60, Dola, at 8:30 a.m. and will end at 1:30 p.m. with complimentary lunch.  The field day is being presented by the Hardin SWCD, USDA-NRCS, The Nature Conservancy, Findlay Implement Company, John Deere, and OSU Extension. The field day addresses several ag conservation and water quality issues.

4-H Hootenannies working on county fair plans

By Riley Fleece

The Hardin County Hootenannies last met at Faith Holbrook's farm.  President Isaac Davis opened the meeting with Sean Hurley leading the American pledge and Riley Fleece saying the 4-H pledge.  Treasurer Seth Davis gave his report.
