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Ada's latest news

Ada Scouting added a lot of new members this week

Scouting added a lot of new members in Ada during a meeting Wednesday in the school cafeteria.

From left are Sam Neiswander, Christopher Leimgruber, Timothy Chrisobolis, Owen Haudenschield, Preston Heilman, Dylan Leimgruber, Zachary Neiswander, and Noah Huff.

Standing by the poster, which shows the many Scouting activities, are Don Sparr, (left), Cubmaster of Pack 124 since 2006, and Adam West , leader of the Bears (third graders).

Don said all boys from first through fifth grade can join the local pack at any time by calling him at 419-634-5049 or at [email protected].

Elementary newsletter offers lots of school details for parents

The Ada elementary school newsletter is now on the school website. Here's the newsletter information:

There will be no school Sept. 7 in observance of Labor Day and no school Sept. 8 for Hardin County Fair Day.

If your student will be out multiple days for the fair or you have planned a family trip, please contact the Elementary Office. We will then contact the teacher and your student will be given any work they will miss.

Used book sale at Harvest and Herb Fest'

The Friends of the Ada Public Library will hold a used book sale during this year's Ada Harvest and Herb Festival. The event is Saturday, Sept. 19.

Wilson Sporting Goods football garage sale Sept. 26

Wilson Sporting Goods Co., Ada, holds its annual football "garage" sale from 8 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Sept. 26, at the sporting goods company.

The sale includes footballs, overruns, blemished footballs and scrap footballs and many other miscellaneous sporting good items.

BonWorth fashion show in Ada Sept. 23

A fashion show by BonWorth takes place in Ada in September.

The event is at noon, Wednesday, Sept. 23, at the Community Health Professionals, 1200 S. Main St., Ada.

Fay Bassitt was married on horseback at 1947 Labor Day Rodeo in Ada

Laura Fay Bassitt, 88, died Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2015, at 4:24 p.m., at the Lost Creek Care and Rehabilitation Center. Fay was born June 13, 1927 in Hardin County, Ohio, to Charles R. and Pearl R. (Peggs) Johnson who preceded her in death.
Fay and Robert E. (Bob) Bassitt, Sr. were married on horseback at the Labor Day Rodeo in Ada on Sept. 1, 1947. They were together for over 67 years when Robert died on April 7, 2015.
