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Future Bulldog star

A future Ada girls' basketball super star takes a practice shot during playtime at the Ohio Northern University Child Development Center, now in session for teh 2015-16 school year.

Liberty National financial ed program reached 272 Hardin students

Liberty National Bank financial ed program reached 272 Hardin students last school year

Ada, Kenton and Ridgemont high schools took advantage of Ever-Fi Financial Literacy Program, a free, online financial literacy program sponsored by Liberty National Bank, at no cost to the schools, during the 2014-15 school year.

Liberty National Bank has partnered with leading education technology company EverFi, Inc., to bring this interactive, web-based financial management program to 2,302 students in Hardin, Logan and Union Counties since the program’s inception in 2011.

ONU senior awarded Order of the Sphinx

Ohio Northern University student Anthony Ginella, a senior pharmaceutical business major from Canal Fulton, Ohio, was awarded the Order of the Sphinx at the Delta Sigma Phi National convention in New Orleans in July.

Ginella, president of the Alpha Eta chapter of Delta Sigma Phi at ONU, was recognized for his outstanding contributions to Ohio Northern University, his chapter and the fraternity. The award is given annually to undergraduates nominated by their chapter or national officer for their efforts throughout the year. Ginella was an initiate of the Delta Sigma Pi fraternity in 2012.

Were you a library aide?

It's a new school year. Some things change while others don't. Library aides, for example, are always needed.

Here's the Ada High School library aides from 35 school years ago. The school year is 1980-81. Click on image for identification of students.

Ready, Set, Grow Preschool opens Monday in First United Methodist

Ready, Set, Grow!

Ada’s preschool with that name is ready for the 2015-16 school year, which starts Monday, Aug. 31. The school year runs to May 13, 2016, with a tentative year-end celebration and program May 15.

Perhaps more importantly than starting the new school year, the preschool starts in a new location, and the staff finds it very exciting.

“We are now housed in First United Methodist Church on Main Street,” said Jami Dellifield, director. “We have a few spaces left for students who would like to join us.”

Playground art

Don't be surprised if your Ada elementary child comes home and starts drawing a map of the United States. The USA map on the Ada school playground was re-painted this summer and has the attention of the playground crowd. Here's a look from the Space Lab as it approaches Florida from the east. (Just kidding.)
