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Letter: Once again local volunteers and countless donors come through and make H&H Queen's Court shining bright

Icon viewers:

Despite the rain, our 2015 Harvest and Herb Queen’s Court was shining bright.

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce Harvest and Herb Festival Queen Committee would like to give a huge thank you to Mike and Marie Gossman for helping to decorate the float again this year and for escorting our 2015 Harvest and Herb Queen and her court in the 30th Annual Ada Area Chamber of Commerce Harvest and Herb Festival parade.

We would like to thank many, area businesses for their very generous donations for this year’s Queen and her court…

Despite the rain...despite the freight train...thanks everyone!

Harvest and Herb attendees:

30 years of a glorious fall festival in Ada Ohio, and this year we have 30 minutes of  “HOLY COW! What else can happen?”

Our typical, perfect, sunny, fall day was replaced this year with cloudy rain. Our traditionally spectacular parade was interrupted by a harder rain, wind, thunder, lightening and then literally divided in half by the railroad gates going down.

But the parade MUST go on, until an actual train of 100 plus cars decided to pass by. In the 30 years of the festival this was only the third train appearance.

‘The Second City Fully Loaded’ comes to The Freed Center stage Sept. 26

The Ohio Northern University Freed Center for the Performing Arts presents “The Second City Fully Loaded,” featuring a special third act with ONU’s improv group “Fearless Shenanygans,” on Saturday, Sept. 26, at 8:30 p.m. for the 2015 Homecoming performance.

Fresh, fast and always spectacularly funny​,​ The Second City brings you satire with all the bells and whistles. Featuring hilarious sketches made famous by Second City stars such as Tina Fey, Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert, this show also features new scenes straight from its sold-out shows in Chicago and Toronto.

Images of Ada

Terri Theodore is the new owner of the "Ada Images" quilt made by the Ada First United Methodist Women. The quilt was raffled off as part of the Harvest and Herb Festival Luncheon.

Joe Fitzpatrick 1933-2015

Joe F. Fitzpatrick, 82, died on Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015, at 8:54 a.m. at his daughter’s residence in Forest, Ohio.

He was born on April 23, 1933, in Floyd County, Kentucky to Issac H. and Mahala (Neeley) Fitzpatrick who preceded him in death. Joe and his family moved to Ohio when he was nine years old, he lived in Ohio for 73 years. On Dec. 10, 1954, he married Betty Patterson and they celebrated 60 years together before Betty preceded him in death on March 29, 2015.

Cross country was big in 1975-76

Here's the Ada High School cross country team during the nation's bicentennial year - 1976. Names of the team members are under the photo.
