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Same-sex marriage constitutionality discussed

Law professors discussed the constitutionality of same-sex marriage Tuesday at the law school.

Lee Sprang of the University of Toledo and Joanne Brant of ONU discussed the topic that the Supreme Court recently decided making same-sex marriage legal in every state. The debate continues (know who Kim Davis is?) since the issue affects states' rights, religious freedom, due process, public opinion, and other aspects of American society.

There were no banners or tables with literature set up espousing one side or the other. About 100 people attended, mostly law students and faculty. Lima newspaper and TV were present along with The Ada Icon.

Ada's got style - and these local models are proof

Connie Guyton and Teri Wagner show a tray of scrumptious cupcakes that were served at a style show sponsored by the Senior Citizens Wednesday at Community Health Professionals.

Connie organized the event that saw five local ladies model clothing provided by Bon Worth in the Lima Mall. Teri has been store manager of Bon Worth for 10 years.

Photo identification:
• Connie Guyton (left) and Teri Wagner

• Modeling clothing (from left) Diana Heise, Barbara Fensley and Judy Magee.

• Senior Citizen style show models included Phyllis Scott (left) and Bonnie Cole.
(Photos by Monty Siekerman)

15 minutes with Morgan Sutton: sports injuries, a junior high detention, tee-peeing and more

15 minutes with Morgan Sutton – Ada High School senior

The Icon caught up with Morgan during her third period library helper time.

Tell us your class schedule.
I start out with Psychology, Algebra III, library study helper, English College Prep, Geology, study hall, Personal Finance and end the day with Physics.

What’s your favorite?
Probably English.

Next year’s plans?
I’d like to go to the University of Cincinnati and study nursing. I’m a people person and I’m interested in health care.

102 candles on Aggie's cake on Saturday

By Monty Siekerman
Aggie Crates, who will celebrate her 102nd birthday on Saturday chats with "youngster" Teed Neiswander, 92, at ReStore on Tuesday.

Both are longtome Adaites. Those wishing to send a birthday card to Aggie may address it to:

Aggie Crates
514 E. Lincoln
Ada, OH 45810

At ReStore, Aggie recited three long Christian poems from memory, not missing a beat, and received applause and admiration from the diners who were present for Crock Pot Tuesday.

Ada's dog show - an unadvertised feature of the Harvest and Herb Fest'

Dogs - large and small, with or without costume - annually parade up and down Main Street with their owners on H&H Fest.

Dogs are popular in Ada, especially when the university is in session.

There are a few dog-friendly stores, but on Fest’ Day, they own the street: getting a few pats, checking out other canines, nibble on some dropped crumbs.

Here’s a series of photos of just a few of “man’s best friends” with their owners on Saturday.


(Photos and story by Monty Siekerman)

Harvest time

Soybean harvest has begun. Here, Jerry Badertscher takes off beans on a field north of New Leaf Garden Center. The combine, with a 20-food wide head, makes quick work of the 16 acre plot. How will the crop come in this year in this area with so much rain in June and July? Summer floods, then a dry take risks annually with unpredictable Ohio weather. (Monty Siekerman photo)
