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Ohio Northern University professor publishes book of poetry

Jennifer Moore, Ohio Northern University assistant professor of English, has had her collection of poems, “Veronica Maneuvers,” published by the University of Akron Press.

One critic of Moore’s new release said, “Each poem is a flammable mouth that refuses to be muzzled. Dazzling and dislocating the reader with ventriloquism, vaudevillian gowns, and sword swallowing, the book’s arresting tone is established by its torero title and first line – ‘In the Year of Our Lord the Electric Chair.’”

Another critic said, “This poet incises language with passion, not dispassion, until breath and pulse coalesce.”

Scott and Arlene: Retiring as Harvest and Herb Fest directors

By Monty Siekerman

Scott and Arlene Allison have headed up the successful Harvest & Herb Fest for five years, but this year is their last.

With three children involved in many sports and school activities, the Allisons thought it was time to turn over the reins to someone else.

Persons interested in heading up the Fest may contact Deb Curlis, president of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce, at 419-634-9459.

The Allison's successful run continues this year with over 150 food and craft booths and entertainment featuring some gifted local musicians.

Everything you need to know about the H&H Fest - especially the vendor booth list

The 30th annual Ada Harvest and Herb Festival offers several familiar vendor booths plus some new ones.

The Fest sprawls on Main Street  all the way from First United Methodist Church to Lehr Avenue.


Here’s the schedule of events:
• 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Booths open on Main Street
• 10 a.m. – Parade on Main Street

Compact people mover

Sedgeway, move over, you've bee replaced by a less expensive, compact "people mover" called the Swager Board. Here, Ethan Theewis enjoys some afternoon time using the board tooling around the Civil War cannon at the Depot Park. The battery-operated machine weighs only 30 pounds and is easy to carry around or put in your car to take with you. The board is foot pressure sensitive for turns and speed. Josh Culp, owner of Vape N Chill, is a distributor of the Swager and sells them for $499. (Monty Siekerman photo)

The Freed Center to present ‘Edges’

Ohio Northern University’s Freed Center for the Performing Arts will present “Edges” from Sept. 24-27 at 7:30 p.m. A second show will be held on Friday, Sept. 25, at 10:30 p.m. There also will be a matinee performances on Sept. 27 at 2 p.m.

“Edges” is a song cycle about four burgeoning adults asking classic coming-of-age questions. Written by Tony-nominated Benj Pasek and Justin Paul (“Dogfight,” “James and the Giant Peach”) in their sophomore year at the University of Michigan, this charming, witty and honest examination of adulthood explores what happens when individuals are teetering on the edges of their lives.

Nice day for Music on Main at noon - brought to you by Buy Ada First

Buy Ada First committee's Music on Main, traditionally a Friday evening event in the Depot Park, moved to noontime on Tuesday. 

Monty Siekerman represented The Icon and provides this story with photos at the bottom of the story.

Music on Main included a joint meeting of two service clubs...Becky Neville, realtor, president of Rotary Club, and John Berg, educator, president of Kiwanis Club.

Weather was perfect, sunny and mild, for the outdoor gathering of the club members, their spouses, and the public.
