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Now this is a white Christmas in Ada - but only in your dreams

If you are dreaming of a white Christmas in Ada this year, better dream on.

However, if you’d like to recall what a white Christmas in Ada resembles, these two Karen Ward photos may help get you into the Christmas spirit.

After taking a look at our feature photo above – it shows Ada on the first day Christmas, taken by Ken Collins – you can compare a green Christmas with a white one.

The white Christmas photo with this feature is taken near the exact spot of the green Christmas photo above. The only different is the white photo looks north; the green photo looks south.

What's wrong with this picture?

It's a trick question. Nothing's actually wrong with the picture. Except, it was taken on the first day of winter 2015. Looks, and feels more like spring. That's what's wrong. Ken Collins took this photo of Main Street, Ada, looking south toward the Ada Theatre. If you want to see a more traditional winter photo of Main Street, examine Karen Ward's two photos below.

Farmers will recall 2015 this way: Rain, rain and more rain

It wasn’t a good growing season for farmers with floods in late spring and a dry spell in late summer. And, crop prices were down.


Liberty Township, the area surrounding Ada, had the most rain of any township in the county with 30.38 total inches. The county average was 24.7 inches.

Here's a rainfall report for the growing season, plus some comments on this year's corn harvest, from Mark Badertscher, agriculture and natural resources extension educator:

Can you smell the pine scent?

You can almost smell the pine scent. Ken Collins took this reflective photo of an ornament on a Christmas tree. This photo could be from almost any Ada home.

Delores Howard 1934-2015

Dolores A. Howard, 81, died on Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2015, at 8:42 p.m. at Cridersville Healthcare Center, Cridersville.

She was born on Jan. 14, 1934, in LaFayette, Ohio to John and Audrey (Kollars) Hattery, Sr. who preceded her in death. Dolores married Dayton Howard on June 5, 1960, and he survives in Cridersville.

Dolores was a homemaker. She attended the Lima Baptist Temple.

Also surviving are three brothers: John (Joyce) Hatter, Jr. of Bluffton, Mike (Shari) Hattery of Cridersville and Larry (Beverly) Hattery of Utica; and a sister, Mariam (Bill) Sayre of Kenna, W.V.

Jim Boedicker in Viva Maria on Jan. 9

Jim Boedicker, local guitarist and vocalist, performs at Viva Maria Pizza and Pasta on Saturday night. He is on the restaurant's entertainment schedule on a regular basis.

He will next perform at Viva Maria's from 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 9. Jim has been playing the guitar for 50 years. He and Mike Wright teamed together to entertain many times in Ada and the surrounding area. Gospel is their forte.

Viva diners enjoy his mellow voice and soft strumming of familiar songs while they dine. (Monty Siekerman photo)
