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Ada's latest news

Polar Bear will play in NFLPA Collegiate Bowl

Ohio Northern University football standout Devon Price will participate in the 2016 fifth annual NFLPA Collegiate Bowl. The game is Jan. 23 on the California State University Dominguez Hills campus.

Dec. 30 crockpot meal at First United Methodist

Ada First United Methodist will have a soup and sandwich meal, Wednesday, Dec. 30, from 4 til 6 p.m.

This is in place of crockpot meal at Restore while they are closed. The meal will be held in Wesley Fellowship Hall. The meal is open to all.

Ada police investigating death of 22-year-old Ada resident

The Ada Police Department is investigating the death of Brianna Green, 22-years-old of 439 E. Lehr, Ada, according to Michael Harnishfeger, police chief. 

According to Harnishfeger:

At 7:39 a.m. the Ada Police Department and Ada Liberty Rescue Squad was called to 439 East Lehr in reference to a female who was reported as deceased.

Upon officer’s arrival we discovered Brianna deceased in her bedroom.

The Ada Police Department is investigating this death with the assistance of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Identification and the Hardin County Sheriff’s Office.

Library Holiday Hours

Come in and get your items before the long holiday weekend.
The Ada Library's hours are as follows for the New Year's celebrations:

Thursday, December 31st - CLOSE at 3p.m.
Friday, January 1st - CLOSED
Saturday, January 2nd - CLOSED

We will reopen on Monday, January 3rd for normal business hours!

2015 Ada business review: the picture brightened

Although the business climate in America has been cloudy, almost stormy, since the millennium, business in Ada shown bright in 2015.

Deb Curlis, president of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce, reports these major advances during the past year:

* Construction began on the $6 million Vancrest Nursing Home on SR 81.

* St. Rita's broke ground for a $1 million health facility near the nursing home.

*Not technically a business, but another major construction project underway in the Village is the $16 million water treatment plant.

All three of these sizeable projects will be completed in 2016.

Taking shape

No, school is not in session. The Icon glanced over Katey Stuart's shoulder in mid-December in an Ada HS art class as she worked on a current painting project. We wanted to share this photo with viewers before the new year.
