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University Chapter of PRSSA takes second in national competition

The Ohio Northern University chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) garnered second place in the KIND “No Compromises” Campaign. This national competition challenged teams to bring to life KIND’s “AND philosophy” by life-hacking their college campuses.

The ultimate objective for participating team was to build awareness among students that KIND snacks are the perfect snack for both health and taste.

ONU, which finished behind the University of Alabama, will receive $500 for the team and a case of KIND snacks; $5,000 will be donated to a charity of the team’s choosing. Finishing third was Ohio University.

35 Ada student councils ago

Here are the Ada High School student leaders 35 legislative sessions ago. It's the Student Council from the 1980-81 school year.

Once upon a time in Ada - Willis Winkler was first president of Ada Senior Citizens

Here's another installment of Once upon a time im Ada, stories you never knew about your hometown, provided by Leland Crouse:

June 1971 the Ada Senior Citizens organized. The new Senior Citizens Center organization has accepted the offer of Post 185, American Legion, for free use of its first-floor room in the mornings and afternoons was announced by Willis Winkler, president.

Opening of the Senior Citizens was held Aug. 16, 1971, at 109 North Main Street.

Smart Christmas gift idea this year from Reichert's - swim trunks and umbrella

You won't need a sleigh for there will be no snow on Christmas Day.

Perhaps, you'll want to shop Reichert's in downtown Ada for swim trunks and an umbrella instead.

The Dec. 25 temp is predicted to be in the mid 50s with a good chance of rain. You can start dreaming now for a white Christmas in 2016.

"Scenes of Ada, Ohio" photo book by Karen Ward now available at Art Gallery on Main

By Monty Siekerman
Local photographer Karen Ward has produced a book of 50 photographs of the village titled "Scenes of Ada, Ohio."

It is for sale at the Art Gallery on Main. Karen has taken pictures of town ever since she arrived here 25 years ago.

The 10" by 10" book includes familiar places (ONU, Wilson's, the parks, churches, grain elevator) and the unfamiliar, only what a creative artist might see (weathered siding, weeds blooming along a roadside, snow scenes).

Klondike likes Star War movies - isn't it obvious

We should have known. Ohio Northern University's mascot, Klondike, claims to be awaiting this moment, according to ONU's Twitter account. The photo says it all #StarWars.
