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If it was snow, we'd be hip deep in it

Christmas is over...and then the rains came.

Ken Collins, Icon's roving photographer, took these photos of Ada on the afternoon of Dec. 28, as the rains came.

Views include 
• a flooded field just east of Ada 
• scene east of Ada
• Grass Run
• flooded North Simon Street,.



Meanwhile, for Ada Icon's the Christmas lights of Bluffton

NOTE to Ada Icon viewers: Bluffton and Ada Icons, internet sites in the same family, offer a post-Christmas switch.

The Ada Icon's "Ada's Christmas Scenes of 2015," is now also featured on the Bluffton Icon home page in the interest of Bluffton viewser.

Likewise, Bluffton Icon's "2015 Bluffton Christmas Lights Winners," is featured on Ada Icon. Please enjoy views of Bluffton at Christmas, while Bluffton viewers enjoy views of Ada at Christmas.


Richard Lasko memorial service on Dec. 30

Richard Lasko, 78, died on Thursday, Dec. 24, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. at the Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton, Ohio.

He was born on July 18, 1937, in Niles, Ohio, to Anthony and Marianne (Belicki) Lasko who preceded him in death. On Aug. 26, 1967, he married Judith McClure and she died Jan. 21, 2014.

Meaning of Christmas

These creche figures are found in many Ada homes and churches this week. They each may have a different look, but they each represent the Christmas family. This one is in First United Methodist Church.

Icon offers a modern version of a familiar story

The Icon offers viewers a modern version of a familiar story.

In the seventh year in the reign of Obama, legislation passed that all U.S. citizens be counted in the county where their ancestors had settled. This unusual census was when Kasich was governor of Ohio and Jordan was fourth district representative.

Jose from Lebanon, Ohio, with his young housekeeper, Maria, who was nine-month’s pregnant with someone else’s child, and who Jose had intended to marry, drove to Ada in Jose’s 1996 Mercury Cougar. This was because Jose was a great-great-great-grandson of Dr. H.S. Lehr, Ada pioneer and founder of Ohio Northern University.

Merry Christmas from Ada Icon - here's your "Ada Christmas scenes of 2015"

We’ve collected holiday photos from the Icon and from two Ada Facebooks.

We put the photos in a box, wrapped them in decorated paper, tied a ribbon around the box and placed the box under your tree.

Our photos are from Ken Collins, Monty Siekerman, Fred Steiner and from the Ada school Facebook and Ohio Nothern University Theatre Department Facebook.

We hope you enjoyed these holidays scenes of Ada.

Merry Christmas from the Ada Icon!
